Chapter 18: Uh Hi?

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---Riggy Rigs P.O.V---

" WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO KNOW!?" I Shout almost scaring the birds in the trees.

"Wha? What's going o-" Said the fur before being interrupted by him coughing water.

"Hey man you alright?" I ask patting his back.

"Who are ye?" The fur said holding his head and looking up at me.

"Names Br- Rigby, how bout you?" I asked patting his back a little slowly with my good arm.

"The name be Preston Marlow, nice to meet cha Rigby," Preston said holding his paw out so I could shake it.

I gladly took it and shook it.

"What the hell happened to you? You look so... injured?" Preston asked standing up and gesturing my injuries.

"Long story short, ex did it," I responded again, remembering terrible memories of Dom.

"How bout you stay in my house, you got anywhere else to go?" I asked adjusting my cast.

"Nah man, my parents kicked me out, I really don't want to talk about it," Preston said making his ears droop.

"Ok pal, well also there is this event going on in my house, Im about to like meet my like... long lost twin brother in a couple of mins so stay calm k?" I say tilting my head towards my right while putting my paw in the back of my neck.

"Sure thing Rigby," Preston said giving me a thunbs up and a wink.

I could've sworn he looked hot when he did that.

Oh no Rigby your falling in love again...

"Come on my house is this way," I said while walking towards the exit of the park.

He smiled and walked in front of me giving me a better chance to admire him. He had long curly-ish brown hair. His fur was a light brown color. The bottom of his muzzle was a light tan color. The tips of his paws and tail were a deep, dark, coal black.

I then started thinking about how we would look like as a couple. When I was in those deep thoughts we were in front of my house.

"This where ya live mate?" Preston said in a funny british accent.

"Yes matey this bee meh house," I said forming a hook with my paws acting like a pirate.

We laughed along together and walked towards the house. In the back I saw a peculiar car I've never seen before. I walked inside and looked for my mom.

"Mom, Mom, Mom, Where you at? There's someone you have to meet," I yelled hoping she would hear from wherever she was at.

Preston and I walked towards her room and started eavesdropping, it looks like she was having a talk with a male and a female. I backed away so she could open the door.

"Mom who are these peeps?" I said while looking at a green female cat and a red-ish pink-ish male fox.

"Oh Rigby your here! Oh and looks like you brought home a guest is what it seems?" My mom said walking up to me and turning back to the kitchen.

"By the way he looks cute~" My mom whispered. I blushed a bright red hoping Preston wouldn't hear. He turns to look at me and smiles.

"Oh and Rigby, I want you to meet your twin brother... Roffin," My mom said moving aside letting a pink and gray wolf stand towards my face.

"Oh hey Roffin, uh nice to meet chaaa?" I questioned stretching out my blue and gray paw out so he could shake.

"Yeah, nice meeting ya Rigby," Roffin said shaking my good paw. I turned to look at Preston and he pulled his phone out to record everything.

"Here you go guys, a family reunion, two brothers who haven't even met but finally meet in about... ehh a couple years," Preston told his phone as if he was vlogging.

"Very funny Preston," I tried saying sarcastically but couldn't help but laugh.

"So Roffin we already unpacked your suitcases and everything so, we must be leaving now," The green cat said towards what was his name again? Roffin? Yeah, that guy.

"Ok, nice meeting ya," Roffin said giving each one of them a hug.

They soon left the house and Roff sat in the couch next to Preston.

"So you're Rigs old- wait a minute... who's the older one?" Preston asks turning to look at my mom.

"Oh I forgot to mention but Rigby is the older one," She said smiling towards the three of us and going to the kitchen to cook something for us.

I walked towards the kitchen and pulled my mom to the side.

"Oww, what is it Bruce?" She whispered holding her arm I violently grabbed.

"Sorry but, I forgot to ask for permission but, can Preston stay? He doesn't have anywhere else to go, please?" I pleaded my mom like a baby wolf begging for the new expensive toy.

She look at me and tapped her chin as if thinking.

"Sure he can stay in the guest room cause Roffin and you are already sharing a room.


"K mom thanks!" I said walking back to the couch. Roffin stood up and sat next to me looking at my injuries. First my head then my cast.

"What the hell happened to you? You ok?" Roffin asked while fiddling with my hair.

"Ugh, well I don't really want to talk about it," I said making my ears drop.

"Ok but do you at least want me to bring you a new bandage to strap your head in?" He asked looking in one of his suitcases and pulling out a new bandage.

I touched mine and it did seem a little wet so I kindly took his offer.

"Thanks Roff," I said while attaching the new one to my head. He looked at me and smiled.

"No Problem and well, have you ever dated anyone but they just fade away from your life?" Roffin asked a little forlorn from what he said.

Again, that gave me terribly bad memories of Dom.

"Well kinda, my ex-boyfriend Dom, he cheated on me in a..." I said before leaning towards Roffin and whispering something in his ear.

"A strip club, don't tell mom please," I whispered.

He slowly nodded and patted me on the back.

"Same here man, but it wasn't with a guy, it was a girl, her name was Lark, in the morning she finally became my girlfriend but, since I had to leave well, it didn't end well, I also had to leave my friend Hikaru..." Roffin said letting a tear fall down. I sadly looked at him, I mean come on, you get the fur of your dreams but have to leave them behind, do you know what that feels like?

"Roffin-doodles, you know me and Preston are always here for ya mate, right?" I asked bending my left ear and looking up at him.

"Yeah of course I," Was his only response when Preston called us to eat...

There ya go fellow furrybuzzyz (Can I call you guys that?). Rigby finally meets his twin bro-bro Roffin, and is slowly falling in love with Preston, even though they barely met... still, hope ya guys enjoy this chaptaaaaa! Rigby out!

*throws a magic smoke bomb and disappears in thin air*

*crowd gasps*

Lol... why are you guys still here? Shooo im in the middle of writing the new chapter!

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