Chapter 36: Operation Roffin Doodles PT 2

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Rigby's P.O.V

Me and Preston were walking towards Roffin's old house and Preston knocked on the door. We waited a couple minutes until the red and pink fox opened the door.

"Aren't you... Roffin's brother?" He asked looking at me.

"Well yes. Yes I am but I'm kinda doing a little surprise thing for him and I'm just wondering if you've heard of a girl named Lark? Lark Diaz? Does she live anywhere around here?" I ask. He looks at us weirdly and thinks. He finally snaps open.

"Yeah he actually does talk alot about her. But I don't know where she lives. OH but I think I know who does!" He says excitedly. He goes inside his house and comes out holding a peice of paper.

"This is his best friends address. He is the only one that knows about this Lark girl." He said handing us the paper. Me and Preston read it and we turn to look at each other. We both smile and thank Roffin's old dad.

"Ok so we got the address to... Hikaru? Ok let's go!" Preston said already getting inside the car. I hopped in the passenger seat and Preston drove towards the address. After just a couple of minutes we arrived at a very good looking house. These dudes are probably rich. Me and Preston get out of the car and I knock on the door. After a couple of minutes a fur came out wearing white clothing.

"Yes? What do you guys want?" The fur asks. It seemed like we interrupted his beauty sleep because he came a little bit still sleepy.

"We are looking for a so called Hikaru? Is he around here somewhere?" Preston asks a little stern.

"Your looking at him right now." Hikaru says crossing his arms.

Me and Preston take a look at each other and shrug.

"Do you know where a girl named Lark Diaz lives?" I ask. He nods his head in process.

"Yup what do you want with her?"

"We are gonna take her to visit Roffin for a bit. I'd like to seen if she would want to." I reply getting kinda angry at his little attitude.

"Fine she lives just a couple houses from here. You see that gray building over there? That's where she lives." He says pointing to a gray nice looking house. DAMN THESE PEOPLE HAVE MONEY.

"Ok thank you Hikaru." Preston says waving goodbye.

"Actually I was thinking. Can I come too? I really miss Roffin. He was like a brother to me." Hikaru said having a little bit of hope in his eyes.

I turn to look at Preston and he took a look at me. We nodded reading each other's minds and turn to look at Hikaru again.

"Sure he will be excited to see you too!" I say giving him a grin. He yells 'YES' and goes of to find himself good clothing. Me and Preston patiently wait until we see him come out with black converse, white jeans, a white T-shirt, and a black cap.

"He is totally the opposite of you. Except for the black." Preston whispers in my ear. I giggle as Hikaru hops in the car with us. We make small talk with him and all his memories with Roffin-Doodles and it turns out that Roffin ate a 3 year old sandwich with stinky socks inside. HA I CAN FINALLY MAKE GOOD FUN OF HIM NOW!

It takes us just a couple minutes until we arrive at Lark's house. Hikaru gets out first and opens our doors. What a gentleman. Sad thing is Preston is MY Gentleman.

Hikaru, Preston, and I finally arrive at the front of Lark's house. Hikaru knocks on the door and we wait until a gray wolf with purple hair comes out.

"Hey Hikaru! Who are these people? Hm you look like Roffin." Lark said pointing at me. I giggle and sigh.

"Well Lark. I am Roffin's twin brother Rigby. I was wondering if you'd like to come with us to go visit Roffin. He has been missing you quite a lot." I reply. She looks at me with tears in her eyes from happiness.

"Yes Yes Yes! I would love to! Wait right now? Because I don't really know." She asks hopping up and down.

"Actually yeah. Right now." Preston speaks up. She nods and goes inside to probably change. She comes out wearing a pink dress with gray little marks representing Roffin's colors.

"Ok come!" I say excitedly. I was already imagining Roffins face! We all hoped in the car and Preston drove us home.


Finally after seconds turning into minutes, we arrived at my house. I opened everyones doors and we all headed towards the enterance. I opened the door and it looked like mom and Kyle went out to eat since I saw a little note in my mom's handwritting.

Dear Rigby,

Me and Kyle went on a little date so if you come home and we aren't there. You know why. Roffin decided to stay and he said he bringed a friend along so if there is any noises that aren't us. It's Roffin and his friend.

                                                ~Briana -Your Mom-

I smiled at the thought that Roffin actually had friends not some type of loner like I once was. I did hear some shuffling inside his room. Until I heard... moaning? Everybody followed me inside Roffin's room. Lark seemed really excited. I felt bad since I think she didn't hear the moaning. Then I heard lips smacking. I groaned at how awkward I felt listening to that. I opened his door to reveal....


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