Chapter 38: Singing Lessons

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OMG CODY LOOKS SOOOO CUTE! (Not that he already is... hehehe)

Rigby's P.O.V

"Soo what do you guys want to eat? We got pizza, chicken nuggets, popcor-"

"I WANT POPCORN!" I quickly yell. Everyone turns to look at me and I start laughing awkwardly.

"I uh... want popcorn *cough*" I say a little bit more quietly. Douglas looks at me and smiles. He had a nice smile.

"I would also like popcorn." I hear Douglas say raising his tiger paw.

"BullLock? Would you like anything?" Termno asks looking at BullLock who was currently browsing the Internet in his laptop.

"No." BullLock finally answers shaking his head. Termno nods and turns to look at Preston.

"Preston? You want anything?" Termno asks blushing a bit. TERMNO IS SOON GONNA DIE IF HE KEEPS ON SHOWING PRESTON AFFECTION! ONLY I CAN!

"Hmm sure I'll go with Pizza." Preston said. Termno nods and goes over to their kitchen. I hear him start making popcorn and hear him microwaving the pizza. Guess this guy has two microwaves.

"So what do you like to do?" Douglas asks playing with his tiger hair.

"Hmm... well... I like to draw, listen to music, rock, videogames, what your typical teenager likes. How bout you?" I ask poking my antlers.

"I love singing. For some reason I really wanna be a singer. Imagine this. Douglas YellowTail, the best singer." Douglas giggles. I smile at how Douglas' funny attitude can brighten up everyones day.

"Well... let's see. Do you have a professional  singing voice? If you think you do lets go you to the guest room or something to practice your skills. I'm kinda if a singer myself. Not like a famous one but. I consider myself one." I say touching my chest in a proud way. Dougla laughs at my funny speech and agrees. We head towards Termno's room. I grab my phone and push my favorite songs playlist.

"Do you know the song Nicotine by Panic! At the Disco?"

"Yup know it all but this will sound kinda bad since it's my first time singing in front of someone. I may be a little rusty." He said sitting on the floor criss-crossed. I sat with him and put the song.

"Cross my heart, and hope to die...

Burn my lungs and curse my eyes...

I've lost controool I don't want it back...

Im going under... I've been hijaaaacked....

It's a fucking draaaag...

I taste you on my lips and I can't get rid of youuuuuuuu!

So I say damn your kiss and the awful things you do!"

Douglas sings. His singing was amazing! He hit all of the high notes correct without messing up.

"Douglas! That was amazing! You are amazing!" I yell in happiness. He blushes lightly and smiles showing me that beautiful smile of his.

"T-thanks Bruce. Your turn..." He stutters. I nod and pick my song.

"You've got me shaking from the way... your talking...

My heart is breaking but there is no use crying..."

I sang.

"Stop right there. That just beats my singing. You obviously won." Douglas laughs. We start laughing until Preston comes up smiling.

"I heard someone singing." He says hugging me from behind. He puts his muzzle in my neck kissing it sweetly. Douglas notices and puts his tiger ears down.

"We gotta leave. Your parents are probably home by now." Preston respond letting go of my neck. I nod and say bye to Douglas. We go downstairs and Termno was outside opening the door to let us go.

"See ya next time!" Termno waves. Preston waves goodbye but Termno kinda had a different idea. He grabbed Preston's ass squeezing it tenderly. I noticed and my dark side took over. I grabbed Termno by the neck squeezing it just like he did with Preston. Which was hard!

"HE IS WITH ME. LEAVE US ALONE! DON'T EVER LAY A FINGER ON HIM EVER AGAIN!" I growled at him. He nodded desperately and I let go of him. He fell to the ground desperate for air. Preston smiled at me and hugged me.

"Didn't know you cared that deeply about me Brucey-Lucy." Preston growled dominantly in my ear. I giggle at his sudden action and pull him into my mouth kissing him sweetly in front of a purple Termno.

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