Chapter 14: A Gay Club Pt 2

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Right as me and James kissed we started talking more about sports and games. I well let's say, am a big sucker for sports. I would always land on my snout trying to kick a ball, I would hit myself with a bat, I even almost lost an ear trying to shoot a basket. James would always laugh at every statement so I eventually stopped. "So Rigs what's your story?" James asks. "Oh m-my story," I said along with sighing at the end. I turned to look at him then back at the ground. "Well my story goes like this,

Once upon a time there used to live a little, cute, very hyperactivity blue and gray fluffball. He had an amazing caring mom, but sadly, a very abusive father, once when he was 11, he caught his dad do something very well what's the word, bad, he ended up cheating on his wife, my mom eventually found out and didn't take it personally, ever since then me and my dad didn't have a good relationship, well we never did. He would always slap me, hit me, stab me," I said while pulling my sleeve up which showed a giant cut. James looked at it with fear. I continued. "Until my mom met a black sabertooth, Kyle, he was amazing just amazing, he was the most caring person ever too, then one day they eventually got married making him my step dad. We were more like brother's to be exact. I always wanted one." I told him. He seemed like he was gonna cry. "R-Rigby, why did someone like you need to suffer this, thank god Kyle showed up," James said. "Yeah he was amaz-" I managed to say until a big otter started laughing at me. "Come on guys look at this fag!" He said towards his buddies, a bull, a husky, a hyena, and a little cat, "What makes you think I'm a fag?" I said walking up to him. He started laughing and pointing at me which made my mad meter go high. "Don't think we didn't see you making out with this fag!" He said looking at James. "Well to be exact you do know where you are right?" I tell him with a mischievous smile on my face. "Well yeah in a club," he says. "Hmm might think twice, you are technically in a GAY club to be exact, hmm or maybe not, I am just a fag after all but that doesn't mean we don't know where we are," I tell him. "So," he says walking off towards the exit. James burst out laughing at the otter's reaction. I began laughing to. "So should we tell the other's their drinks are ready," James says. I nod and began looking for Razz and Cole. I started walking towards the direction they headed only to see them slow dancing, Razz with a rose in his mouth and Cole dancing along. I decided to leave them be and look for Alder. I walked towards the disco floor and saw him dancing along. I walked towards him and tapped his shoulder. "Umm Alder your shots are ready," I tell him. He turned around and said "Oh hey Bruce, I'll go ahead just let me finish something," he says as he runs to the bathroom. I walk over to find Dom and what I saw shocked me. Dom was holding some black wolf in his arms and making out with him. But what shocked me was something Dom never did to me. He led his hand down into the wolf's crotch. I again had my feelings mixed. I was confused to either feel anger or sad. I walked towards where James was, he managed to get Hyp. I sat down next to them and started tearing up. "What happened Bruce," Hyp said. "D-Dom" I said in between sobs. "What did he do this time," James said. "H-He was m-making out with someone else, while touching the other's crotch," I sobbed. James and Hyp stood up and walked towards the dance floor leaving me to sob. "W-why me," I said. Later then they came out with Alder, Cole, and Razz. "Come on Rigby, let's go," Razz said. "What about Dom," I said as I calmed down. "Let's leave him," Hyp said. I stood up and walked out the exit with the other's. Once we reached my house they left me and drove away leaving me by myself. As I unlocked the door I slammed it shut and ran to my room. I layed on my bed and cried myself to sleep.


After I woke up I kept replaying the scene I saw yesterday. It made me want to punch the wolf in the ball's and tell him Dom is mine. How much I regret not doing that. I stood up and walked downstairs to make myself breakfast. As I walked towards the kitchen I saw Dom there. "What are you doing here," I tell him. "Making my wolf some breakfast," he said. I knew he was playing tricks on me so I went along with it. "Oh OK did you have fun," I say. "Indeed lots of fun," he said. I walked to the living room and pulled my phone out to contact James

Me: Dude... Dom's in here, and he seems to be playing tricks on me...

James: Rigby, don't tell him anything that u saw yet, let's see if he tells you about yesterday...

Me: OK thanks dude!

James: No problemo :)

After that I walked back towards Dom. "You haven't kissed me yet," I tell him. "Don't feel like it," he said which made my heart fall into a million pieces. "O-ok...wanna go out on a date?" I say hoping he would say yes. "I got important school work," he says avoiding every question. "Oh and Bruno...I'm breaking up with you," he blurted out. That made my heart disappear. "Dom are you serious, we barely started our relationship and you wanna break up with me!" I yell. Dom turns towards me and sits down. "I'm sorry when we were at the club, I kinda saw someone bet-" he says while I interrupt. "What Better than me! Better than the wolf who's dad abused on! Better than the wolf that loved you by who you were!" I yell out loud. He sits there in silence and leaves my house. I start crying and tell the guys in a group chat without Dom.

Me: Guys... Dom dumped me

Hyp: WHAT! Was it the black wolf he wanted

Cole: Rigby you'll find someone who will never do such a thing

Razz: I'm coming over!

Alder: ._.

James: Rigby you deserve better

I lay there in the couch crying and cying. I walk towards the kitchen and pull out a knife. I slowly start dragging it against my fur then skin. It doesn't really hurt much but I deserved it. After I was done I heard my door bust open. As I ran to see what happened I saw Razz and Cole with the other's behind them. "Oh hey guy's" I said. I slowly made my way up to my room but a paw touched my shoulder. "Tell us everything," I heard a soothing voice say. I walked back down and sat in the couch. As I explained they were as shocked as how I was. "Why would Dom do such a thing, when we met him he was never like that," Alder said. "Is it possible that the wolf gave him drugs or something?" Hyp said. As I heard each statement my heart just wanted to stop working. "Bruce, I know you'll find someone else that will never do that to you, right guys?" Razz said. "I just don't know what to feel anymore," I tell them. "Think about it," James said. After that everyone left and I was alone, again. As I walked towards the kitchen I looked at what Dom cooked me... my favorite, maybe he was trying to let me down easy. As I ate my breakfast I got a text from my mom saying she was gonna come back early. I sighed and set my phone down. When I finished Iayed my plate down and sat near the living room thinking about my life. "Just as it was getting better it all went away," I whispered then fell asleep a few hours. Just as I woke up it was dark outside. I went to my room and layed on my bed trying to sleep again. Right as I was sleeping Dom appeared on my mind. After that I fell asleep again. I really loved him.

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