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-Roffin's P.O.V-

"So Sky, I need to ask you some questions," I begin already forming the questions in my head.

"Why did you hang out with Leonard? You knew he bullied people!" I say with concern.

He slightly blushed and sighed.

"He took me in... he was the only friend at the time... sure I got bullied a lot by him but... I thought he was a... friend. Until I met Barry and Conrad," Sky said making a tear fall of his cheek.

"Sorry Sky I did-"

"W-What the... where am I?" I hear a small groan next to Sky.

I turn my head towards the little noise in the covers


I walk up to him and hug him with almost all my strength.

"R-Roffin my B-Bones!" Barry squeezed out.

"Sorry Barry!" I say releasing him.

-Razz's P.O.V-

It's good to see Rigby's brother's friends ok. The sad thing is... we won't see them in a long time. Me and Cole already had plans to move away for college and stuff. We only have 2 more days till we leave.

"Razz, when are we gonna tell em?" Cole said a bit worried.

"Maybe later Cole," I say planting a kiss on his cheek.

He nods while blushing a light red.

-Rigby's P.O.V-

I heard Razz and Cole whispering to each other but... I couldn't make out what they were saying. I looked at Sky and started small talk like how he lived and stuff.

"Really? That's cool Sky! Never went to Florida before!" I say enthusiastically.

"Yeah not really that bad," He whispered.

I nodded and looked at the time.

"Roffin, guys, It's time to leave," I say standing up and heading towards the door.

"See ya guys... thanks for bringing us company!" Sky said.

"No Problemo!" I say giving them a goodbye wave.

Sky and Barry waved goodbye and we closed the door.

"So what are we gonna do next?" Roffin said exiting the building.

"Part ways..." Razz said grabbing Cole by the waist.

"Sure," Ethan said lowering his ears.

"Bye guys!" Alder and Hyp said in sync.

"See ya!" Conrad said hopping on his truck.

"Bye," James said going onto the opposite direction we were all heading to.

"Come on Roffin, let's go..." I said walking towards the direction to my house.

Roffin happily followed me and we walked towards our house.

-Time Skip-

I knocked on my door and waited for someone to answer. Finally after a couple of minutes I heard someone unlock the door and... a black saber tooth opened the door with a happy grin.

I couldn't believe it.

"K-Kyle... is that you?" I said almost crying of happiness.

"What does it look like Martin?" Kyle said in his best impression of my mom.

I hugged him as tight as I could... which is weird because I never hug anyone.... except my step dad!

"Miss me Martin?" Kyle asked letting go of me and letting us inside the house.

"Yes Kyle Yes!" I said.

"Who's this fellow?" Kyle asked looking at Roffin.

"My twin brother, A.K.A your step son!" I said really happy.

"Oh so this is Kyle! Nice meeting you... dad?" Roffin said standing up and shaking Kyle's paw.

"Nice to meet you step son," Kyle said in a very polite manner.

"Hey guys didn't know you came in!" Said a voice in a different room. It didn't sound familiar until Preston came out in... his dinosaur  boxers... wait... a minute those are mine!

"Eyy um... Preston your... still in boxers... MY Boxers..." I said blushing uncontrollably.

Preston looked down and covered himself with his paws.

"Oops... hehehe!" Preston awkwardly giggled running towards my room.

Roffin and Kyle looked at eachother couldn't hold it anymore so they eventually burst into laughter.

I blushed and looked at them. Roffin was rolling on the floor crying from laughter. Kyle was laughing so hard I bet he popped a vein.

"Stop being so immature," My mom said walking over to us and kissing Kyle in the cheek which was kinda difficult since he was still laughing.

"Really Rigby! Dinosaur Boxers!" Roffin said in between of his sobs of laughter.

"Shut the fuck up," I mumbled angrily loud enough for them to hear.

"Watch your language!" My mom said giving me one of her looks.

"Whatever," I mumbled more quietly so they couldn't hear and made my way towards where Preston was.

I entered my room and found Preston crying on my pillow. I slowly tip-towed into my room and sat on my bed next to him.

"W-What a-are you doing I-In here?" Preston managed to say in between sobs.

"Sorry If you want I'll leave..." I said standing up and getting ready to leave but Preston took a grip on my arm.

"P-Please Stay..." He said whining a bit.

"Are you crying because of Roffin and Kyle?" I asked sitting back down next to him. I didn't want to see him sad.

"N-No because I-I got a memory from my l-little brother," Preston said while adjusting his position where he is now crying on my shoulder.

"H-His name was Aaron, Me and him were very close t-to each other. Until... they well, thought I killed him. H-He was 12 years old when well... he d-drowned. I was to slow to help him. When my parents found o-out they thought the best way to end me was to have the s-same fate as his. After a couple of days they t-thought it was time, s-so they tied me up, put me in the car, drove me to a lake and... throw me off." Preston said crying even more, his eyes were very very puffy now from crying a lot.

"Then you saved... me, thank you Rigby Thank you!" He said hugging me very tight.

"I'm really sorry you had to live like that, I never thought..." I said almost crying.

"Don't be," he said hugging me tighter.

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