Chapter 6

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-Penelope's P.O.V

Today was my first day back to school, and I was a little nervous since Lydia would be back too. Papa was driving me today since Daddy had to go meet Uncle Liam and Niall because they'd be going on tour this year. It felt so weird. The last time they went on tour, I was seven. Grandma Anne didn't live far, so I stayed with her. 

"Papa, when is the tour?" I asked as he stopped at a stop sign. 

"Not sure yet. We're going to be talking about that today." 

"Can I go with you this time? I've only gone with you two times. And I was only a kid then." As I said that, he pulled up to the school.

"We'll see. Good luck. If something happens, go to guidance and they'll call us." I nodded, leaned over to kiss his cheek, and got out of the car. Sydney texted me yesterday, saying she had the flu, so she wouldn't be here today. I was on my own. 

"Bye Papa. Love you. And I will." With that, I grabbed my backpack and rushed inside. Lydia was at her locker, but no one was between us, since they must have been in homeroom already. "Hey Lydia?" I said bravely. She turned to look at me, but didn't say anything. "I'm s-" She cut me off.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for judging you because of who your parents are. My older sister just came out to my parents and I met her girlfriend. I didn't realize before that love is love, and it doesn't matter who one person is with, as long as they love each other." Wow. "No one should be bullied because of their parents." I smiled lightly.

"Thank you. Are we okay now?" She smiled and nodded. She came over and did something unexpectedly. She hugged me. At first, I stayed still, but eventually, I wrapped my arms around her. We soon pulled away. 


"Yeah?" She adjusted her books in her arms before talking again.

"Could I meet your dads again? This time properly?" The smile on my face grew more, making her smile too.

"Yes, of course. Can we be friends again?" She nodded with a smile. We walked up to homeroom together and even sat next to each other. "Lydia, do you want to come over tomorrow and meet them?" She said yes.  Today I couldn't because my dads were still going to be with my uncles, so they wouldn't be home.

"Hey two Daddy Stylinson!" Jackie shouted from the doorway. "Tattle tale Tomlinson is back!" She then walked away. I just sighed. I guess it really wouldn't be over. Then I heard something interesting from the hall. It sounded like it was coming from Johnathon. 

"Oh, there's the new kid. Double Mommy whats your face." Anger immediately went through me. "What's your name again? Max? We got two daddy Stylinson and double Mommy Max. This is hilarious. The bell rang as I got up and shoved my way into the hall where Max was just crying all alone. Mrs. Adams (My homeroom teacher) didn't even know I left. I ran over to him. He covered his face in a way to hide from me.

"Hey, I heard what happened." I explained. "Don't worry, my nickname's Two Daddy Stylinson. I heard John say that." He looked up at me with red puffy eyes. "How long have you been going here? I was suspended as well as my bully, so I haven't been here." He held up five fingers. "Five days?" I sat down beside him in front of his locker.

"Y-You have two dads?" I nodded. "And they made fun of you for it?" I frowned and nodded. 

"Yeah, my principle suspended me because he thought I needed a break from it all." He nodded and wiped his eyes. I pulled out my phone and went into my pictures, pulling up a picture of my dads and I. "This is them. I don't know if you know them, or your mums, but they're from One Direction." 

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