Untitled Part 31

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-Harry's P.O.V

Penelope's album went on the shelves two days and literally, she's number one almost all over the place. We keep getting calls about it, and she's been so happy. Today, we were waiting for my mother to show up because she needed to meet this baby. Penelope was sitting next to Louis who was feeding the baby a bottle. Penelope then asked to try and so Louis gently placed Caroline into her sister's arms, handing her the bottle. 

"You got her?" Lou asked. Pen nodded and snuggled her little sister as she fed her the bottle. She kissed Caroline's forehead.

"What time is Nana coming?" 

"She's on her way," I answered.

"Aunt Lottie and all of them are coming up tomorrow," Louis told her.

"Aunt Phoebe and Aunt Daisy too?" Lou nodded. "Yay," We all glanced at the door as it opened and in came my mother and sister. I didn't know Gemma was coming.

"Hey Mum," I said and went over to hug her. Louis came over and hugged my sister and mother. 

"Congratulations," My mother said, kissing Louis' cheek and then mine. "Where are-" Just then she saw my daughters, going over to them. She kissed Penelope on the top of her head. "Hello, my sweet baby girl," She told Pen, who looked up and smiled. Penelope gestured to the baby. My sister hugged both Louis and me before going to see Caroline and Penelope. 

"Mum, you can hold her," I said. Caroline's eyes gazed up and over to Louis then me and then up to her grandmother and aunt. My mum carefully took Caroline from Penelope. 

"Louis, she looks just like you. She's gorgeous. Absolutely beautiful," She looked at my other daughter. "And you. I never congratulated you on your album. I bought it and it's playing in the car. I am so proud of you," Penelope smiled and walked over to her, hugging her. She then came over to me and hugged my waist. I kissed the top of her head and held her there. 

"I love you," I said softly. "Papa and I are proud of you too, baby," Louis went over to my mother, sister, and baby, hugging the three of them. 

"Isn't she perfect?" Louis asked them. "You're so beautiful," He told our baby. "Harry, c'mere," I kissed my daughter on the head before going over to my Cara, my Lou, my mum, and sister. I realized Penny didn't come over. I looked at her. 

"Ya joining?" She smiled and shook her head. "Why not?" 

"Gonna go get something to eat," She passed us and walked into the kitchen.

"Was it something I did?" I asked anyone else in the room after she left already.

"Harry, she's a teenager. She's probably just hungry," Louis said and shrugged. I kissed my baby on the nose before stepping away. "Harry, stop hovering," I raised my eyebrow.

"Excuse me?" 

"You hover over her all the time. She's fine. Her album came out and her sister was just born. She's fine. She's probably just overly excited and exhausted,"

"How do you know? You can't just assume these things, Louis. Not with her. Especially not with her," 

"Harry, she normally says what she's feeling. If she's upset over something, she'll tell you. You do this all the time. She gets a paper cut and you're right at her side ready with a sewing kit," I was disgusted at the words coming out his mouth.

"Did you forget the part where we were oblivious to her being bullied? Bullied to the point where she got suspended because it was too much? Remember, the day she turned 13, and we found scars all over her wrists? We had to remove her from school because she doesn't tell us anything!" My mum and sister took the baby stroller and went outside to let us fight. "I never know what she's thinking, Louis! And that should scare you because it sure as hell scared me!"

"Why are you yelling?" He asked annoyed. 

"Because I'm frustrated, okay? I know I'm a helicopter dad. I know that. But I have to be. One of us has to be or she might go off the rails again. Whenever she wears a sweatshirt, I freak out. Okay? It scares me because I never know. How does it not scare you?" As I asked that, his eyes moved to look behind me. I turned around and saw my 13-year-old, a frown on her face. "Darling-" She said nothing and came over, hugging me tightly. 

"I love you," She whispered. "You don't need to worry about me, Daddy. That was a small part of my Middle School life. I'm happy now," I rubbed her back. "I've got a sister now, an album, supportive parents, one best friend, I'm all set," I kissed the top of her head about five times.

"I tell you I love you all the time, but just know I mean it every time. Everything I do for you is because I love you," 

"I know, Daddy. I know," She leaned up and kissed my cheek. "Where's Nana and Aunt Gemma? Did they take the baby out while you guys argued?" I nodded. She went over to Louis. "and you. Daddy's gonna be Dad and I don't think there's much we can do about the hovering," She joked, kissing him on the cheek as well. "I love you both," I texted my mother back to tell her it was safe to return home. 

The three walked in the door and as soon as little Caroline saw her papa, her face broke out into the biggest smile. 

"There's my beautiful girl!" Louis said, going over and stealing her from Gemma's arms. "Oh I love you, little girl," I smiled as the two bonded. 

"Everything's all sorted out?" My mum asked. 

"Yeah. It was just a small banter 'ts all," I said. "No worries," She smiled.

After dinner, my sister and mother went up and it was just my small family of four. We were all squished on the couch, Cara on my lap, sucking on one of her toys. 

"Can I hold her Daddy?" Penelope asked. I nodded and carefully sat my littlest baby on Pen's lap. Cara whimpered suddenly. 

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked, well aware she was not going to respond. Her little lip trembled, so I took her back in my arms where she calmed down immediately. "Sorry Pen," Penelope shrugged and snuggled up to Lou and watched TV. 

"She's falling asleep," Lou said softly, gesturing to our baby, whose eyes were in fact closed.

"I'll bring her upstairs in a little bit," For right now, she was sleeping in her crib in our room, but in a month or so, we were going to switch her to her nursery. "I think someone else is falling asleep too," Penelope was fighting to keep her eyes open. "Why don't you head on up?" I asked my daughter. She snuggled further into Louis without a word. "No?" 

"I don't want to move yet," 

"Yeah, but I don't want you falling asleep down here,"

"I won't," 

"You're falling asleep right now," She groaned and sat up. She got up, hugged Louis and me, and went up to her room. By then, Caroline was fast asleep, her cheek rested on my stomach. 

"You're a good dad," Louis told me, kissing my cheek.

"So are you, Louis. So are you,"

A/N: Hey guys! I feel likeI've been updating a lot lately. I'm updating because I feel like this story is taking forever to write, so I'm trying to get it done. I absolutely love this book and I don't want to be finished with it just yet. I was thinking whether or not to make a sequel where Penelope is older, just by a few years. Like, when she's 18 and Caroline is 5. But I was also thinking of just making this book longer and continuing it and have a time skip in this book. What do you guys think I should do? Comment 'yes' for sequel or 'no' to just continue this story. Thanks guys! Love you! 

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