Chapter 9

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-Penelope's P.O.V

Sydney and Max had been trying to get me to talk more than once a day. Max was still getting bullied, but not nearly as much. The only reason I was getting it worse was because not only were my parents gay, but they were famous too. I was turning thirteen next week, and I really just wanted to stay twelve. I wanted to end my life at age twelve because I was simply feeling defeated. 

At lunch, my two friends sat with me, but they weren't talking to me. I was the same way at home, but I talked a little more at home so my dads wouldn't worry as much as Sydney. Now that Lydia was bullying again, she kept it to herself this time instead of telling the school everything she thought. So Sydney had no idea what was going on, and I didn't tell her. 

"Hey, want my tasty cake?" Max asked, holding his food out to me. I lied my head on the table and shook my head. My self harming only got worse. I haven't worn a T-shirt without a sweatshirt over top in three months, and no one notices. Well, if they had, they never noticed. "C'mon Pen, you haven't eaten lunch in months. You're worrying us." I just shrugged. Sydney groaned. 

"I'm just not hungry, Max."

"Yeah, like I'm gonna believe that. What did you eat for breakfast this morning?" 

"Don't remember." He rolled his eyes. 

"Yo." Sydney said, hitting the back of my head. "Eat the damn cake." I rolled my eyes, taking the tasty cake, biting into it, nearly throwing up the second it hit my stomach. When the bell rang, I ditched my friends to go into the bathroom where I knelt in front of the toilet and sticking my fingers down my throat. I threw up the cake that I was forced to eat, and walked into lass late. Everyone turned to look at me. Mr. Lane narrowed his eyes at me.

"You're late again, Miss Tomlinson." I've been getting detention everyday for being late to class. My dads just think I'm staying after for different clubs. "After school today." I sighed and nodded, sitting down. 

Every class was a forty two minutes long, while we had nine periods a day. Seven out of nine I had classes with Lydia, and only three out of  seven were with Sydney and four with Max. My eyes stared at the clock the entire time instead of completing the science test in front of me. I used to be a straight A student, and ever since Lydia returned to harassing me, they've been sinking. I'm even failing two classes right now. Science and math. History was slowly sinking while English wasn't falling far behind. My other classes, the electives were the only things staying good. My art grade was a 97, and my choir class I had a one hundred. I guess it helps having two singers as dads. Homeroom and lunch I obviously wasn't graded in, and gym I always had a one hundred in. I mean, I do get competitive. That was due to my other father. Take a wild guess at which one. 

When I got my report card for last quarter, I printed out a fake one to show my parents. I  made sure each grade had all A's because that's what they would expect. However, I had two D's in Science and Math, a C in History, a B in English, and A's in my other classes. It really began to depress me. Hell, I've been depressed for months now. They trusted me, so they never checked my grades online. Which I was so thankful for. 

Mr. Lane saw that the bell was about to ring, so he asked that we all pass up our tests. I had only put two answers on the test, so I hid it under the others as they made their way to the front. I cringed as Mr. Lane looked through them. He paused as he looked at a test. 

"Penelope. May I speak with you after class?" I nodded. About two minutes went by when the bell went off. Everyone left, leaving just Mr. Lane and I. I went up to his desk where he laid my test on the desk. "You had forty two minutes to answer thirty questions. Can I ask you why you only answered the first two?" I shyly shrugged. "You must know because you've never been like this. You've been doing this on every test, quiz, class work, the only things you complete are your homeworks." My eyes filled with tears as they shifted to the ground. 

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