Chapter 12

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-Penelope's P.O.V

I hadn't spoken to my friends for the first two week of me not going to school anymore. I've been a mess. My parents had to go out today, I had no idea what for, but they had Uncle Liam staying here with me since I was upset still. They saw my wrists and didn't want me hurting myself anymore. So, Uncle Liam was here and he wouldn't let me out of his sight. 

We were sitting next to each other. He brought Kyle and Aunt Kelsi with him, but those two left the house to run some errands. Just sitting in silence gave me the opportunity to think of how much of an awful person I was. I got to realize how ugly and pathetic I really was. With my head on Uncle Liam's shoulder, I started to whimper lightly, not realizing it. Without a word, I felt my uncle's arms wrap around me. He just shushed me gently, calming me down, but it wasn't working. I only cried harder. Of course, that was when Aunt Kelsi and Kyle came back in the house. My aunt held a single grocery bag, but as soon as she heard my sobs, she looked up and frowned right away. Kyle just stood there silently with his mum. 

"Penelope." She said, her voice sympathetic. Both Kyle and her came and sat down on the couch. She passed a large cupcake to me, but Uncle Liam had to grab because I was out of it. I probably would have dropped it. My phone started ringing, but I didn't move to grab it. Instead, Aunt Kelsi did for me and answered it. 

"Hi Sydney... No this is her aunt." I finally began to calm down. Aunt Kelsi glanced at me. "Yeah, I think that would be a good idea." She soon hung up. "My sweet Penelope, Sydney is going to come over for a bit okay?" I sniffled, wiped my eyes with my shirt, and nodded. 

"How bout when she gets here, you three go out and do something." Uncle Liam suggested to me and Kyle. Kyle smiled at me.

"Yeah, we should." I was really close with my relatives. I just nodded, not saying anything. We could go get frozen yogurt then see a movie?" Kyle said. 

I just shrugged. Uncle Liam was still holding me as if I were his baby. Sydney knew the code for the security gate, so she just had to ring the doorbell.  Aunt Kelsi went and opened it for my friend. I didn't move. 

"Hey." She said with a small smile on her face. Sydney came over and said hi to my family. Uncle Liam greeted her politely.

"Why don't you head on up and change out of your pj's" Uncle Liam suggested softly. I looked up at him and nodded, still not moving nor saying anything. "C'mon." He said gently, helping me up. With that, I slowly trudged up the steps. The moment I shut my door, I locked it and just sat on my bed for a full 45 minutes. I would have stayed up there longer, but Uncle Liam knocked. "Penelope, c'mon love."  I opened the door and grabbed onto his arm. I felt really vulnerable, and oddly, my uncle being with me helped. We headed down. Kyle and Sydney were ready to go, but I kept hold of Uncle Liam. All of us went to the car and got in. I sat quietly in the back seat, not joining in on any conversations. When we arrived, Uncle Liam drove up the the front doors. I looked at him. "You okay?" I sadly nodded. "Want me to go with you?" I just shrugged. "I'll be right at your house okay? If you need me, just call okay?" I nodded as he handed me money. "I love you." I just nodded again as a response. With that, my friend, cousin, and I walked inside. I let those two decide on the movie and what food to get. We decided on 'Split' and headed to the theater. 

-Louis' P.O.V

Harry and I headed to lunch with Julie to talk in person about the baby we were planning to have. We were going to bring Penelope, but  she was just too upset these past couple of weeks. Harry pulled up at the mini diner, so we got out and headed inside. We spotted her right away and went to the table. The smile on her face widened when she saw us.

"Hey! Long time no see!" She got up and hugged us both. Harry and I both smiled at the woman. "How have you two been?" 

"Pretty good! How about yourself?" I asked cheerfully. 

"I'm amazing. So you want another baby?" She asked, grinning. Harry and I glanced at each other and nodded with the biggest smiles. That only made her smile too. In the middle of our small meeting, my phone started ringing. It was Liam. I told Julie and Harry I'd be right back, and hurried outside, answering right away. 

"Louis, you gotta get home. I took the kids to the movies, but Sydney called me from Penelope's phone, telling me she was having a panic attack in the bathroom. I sighed, running my hand through my hair.        

"Alright, we'll be there. Bye Liam. Did Sydney go home?" 

"Yeah, she did. It was too much for her because she was crying, watching Penelope. Kelsi drove her home." After we hung up, I went back inside and told Harry we had to go. Julie frowned at the fact that Penelope was freaking out at home; we didn't tell her why though. Harry and I quickly left and got in the car, me in the drivers seat. 

"Louis, what are we going to do?" Harry asked, clearly concerned. 

"Harry, I really don't know." The second we pulled up to the security gate, our daughter ran out in tears. When the gate opened, she ran to the car and knocked on my window. I rolled it down. I leaned out of the car so I could just hug her. She cried into my neck. "Hey." I cooed. "Sh baby. Let me pull into the garage sweetie." She immediately got in the back seat. 

"Penelope..." Harry started. She was sitting in the seat with her knees to her chest as her arms wrapped around them. 

"D-Daddy, P-Papa I'm s-sorry." She wiped her eyes. Harry reached his hand back to grab hers. 

"You're alright sweetheart. Don't cry." Once in the garage, the three of us got out. Our little girl clung onto Harry as we headed inside. She stopped crying too. Liam and Kelsi came up to the two of us while Kyle was on the couch. He looked at Harry and I and finally got up. He came over and gave us both hugs. 

"Hey kid." Harry said, ruffling his hair. My daughter came over to me as her other father was talking to her cousin. With my arms protectively holding Penelope, I talked to Liam and Kelsi. 

"We're sorry, we just didn't know what to do. She didn't calm down until I said I would call you guys." 

"Don't worry about it, Liam. I'm glad you called." 

"Papa, I'm sorry." She apologized again, stuffing her face in my shirt. "I want help." 

"Daddy and I will do everything and do anything we have to in order to help you hon. We're always here when you need us, baby girl. We love you so much." Kelsi rubbed my little girl's back as I held her to me.

"We do too sweetheart, and we will also do everything and anything for you." She told her. Kyle and Harry came over to Liam, Kelsi, Penny, and I. Kyle stood beside his mother, unsure of what to say. My baby let go of me and went to Harry, hugging him for comfort. I'm not going to lie, I was a little bit jealous that she wanted Harry over me, but Harry's always been the one she went to in times like this. It shouldn't have bothered me, but I don't know.

Harry wrapped her in a light hug, whispering comforting words to her. She shut her eyes with her cheek pressed against his chest. Frowning, I walked into the kitchen, pulling a beer from the fridge, and taking a sip. I heard footsteps walk in behind me, but I didn't bother to look at who it was. That was, until they placed their hand on my shoulder. I looked up at Liam. 

"Hey, you alright?" He asked as I took another sip. I sighed.

"I'll never be the one she runs to after a break up, after the right guy proposes to her, she'll always go straight to Harry. She didn't even come to me when she got her period. She cried to Harry." Liam ran is hand through his hair, then placed his hand on my back.

"Louis, she loves you just as much as Harry. Harry's the one she goes to to cry on. So what? She always goes to you whenever she's happy and excited over things. It's the same way with Kyle. If he cries and is upset over something, he goes straight to his mother. She loves you to death Louis." He was right. I shrugged and jumped when I felt a pair of arms grab me form behind, hugging me. I knew exactly who it was. Smiling, I turned around and hugged my little girl. 

"I love you Papa. Please don't ever think that I don't, because you mean the world to me. I'm sorry." My smile turned to a frown as I hugged her and rubbed her back.

"Hey, don't apologize. I know that you love me. Don't worry sweetheart." For the first time in a long time, I saw her smile. I was the first person in a while to get her  smile. And hell did that mean everything to me.

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