Chapter 26

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-Penelope's P.O.V

I woke up Saturday from someone shaking me. It immediately hit me what was happening and I shot my eyes open seeing Papa.

"Daddy made breakfast. Go on and eat and get ready so we can go. It's an exciting day, Penelope Jane,"

"Papa, we're going to be seeing my name: Penelope Tomlinson plastered on everything! I'm gonna be famous!" I hugged him so tight before getting up and running towards the small kitchen that was in our hotel room. "Daddy! Today's the day!" I said, going into the kitchen. He scooped some oatmeal into three bowls, setting them at the table. I was way too excited to eat but I sat down anyway, lying my head on the table. Papa walked in, from the footsteps I heard, and came up to me, planting a kiss on my head. 

"We're both so proud of you," I looked up at him, smiling from ear to ear. 

"This year is perfect. I'm getting my music out there and I'm getting a baby sister. How more perfect can things get," 

"Well, I just got off the phone with your manager and mine and they both agreed that you could open up for One Direction if you're up for it," Daddy told me, handing us all spoons before sitting next to me and Papa at the head of the table. 

"Oh my god. Oh no. I don't know. The last time I performed at your show, I flipped out," 

"Yeah, but you did it and you sounded great," He assured. "We'll talk about that today at the meeting," When we all finished eating, I ran up to my room and got dressed, brushed my teeth, did my hair, put a little bit of makeup on, and went to my parents. Like usual, paps waited outside our hotel as we stepped out. There weren't many, but they were all annoying with the screams and flashing cameras. I got to our uber car and got in the back seat while my dad took the seat besie me and Papa took the passenger side. I rolled down the window and waved to everyone as we drove away. 

We arrived at the building we were at two weeks ago and parked in the back so we could get inside safely. We all piled out of the car and walked inside, my daddy leading the way to the receptionist.

"Hi, we have a meeting with Mr. Jackson?"

"Oh yes, of course. You can head right up," And so we did. We ended up with a few more people on the elevator. We got to our floor, got out, and knocked on the door to the office. Mr. Jackson let us right in. 

"Good morning," He greeted the three of us. "Come on in and have a seat. I got donuts in case you guys didn't eat," We did, but I took one anyway. 

"Thank you," We all sat down and Mr. Jackson turned to me. 

"Do you go to public school?" I shook my head. 

"No, I used to but got bullied so I'm homeschooled now," He nodded.

"Okay good. Because I have come up with a recording schedule for you," He handed me a piece of paper. "You can look it over and if you can't make a day, no biggie. We can make it up or change times or something. We've tried to accommodate school with this so you can still get your education," I noticed that my dads weren't speaking, which kinda made me happy. That way, I was given the chance to make my own decisions. This was about me. I looked at the paper. "And I don't know if your parents have told you, but we're offering to let you open for their band for the rest of their tour," I looked at my parents. They both nodded.

"Y-Yeah, I'll do it. Don't know if I'll be good, but I'll do it. It's a starting point," He smiled. 

"You guys have a show tomorrow night, correct?" Daddy nodded. "Would you like to sing tomorrow?" My eyes widened. 

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