Chapter 1: Becoming of The Queen

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 I opened my eyes to a piercing bright light; a shadow loomed in a silhouette of an angel. My name echoed through my head. The light slowly faded, showing her long, pink hair flowing through the wind. “Who are you?” I walked over to where she stood. “You need to become Queen, they will come for you."

I looked at her "Wait a minute-?"

"The Queen of Earth and angels, something no other human can do. I, Isabelle, was supposed to be the queen of Earth and the angels, but I can no longer take my place as queen!"

"Can you please hold on and explain-?"

"I’ve missed my chance to do anything with my life!” she began to cry as she held my hand, tears ran down her face.

“Okay, I'm real sorry about that but I'm really confused!"  I hollered, trying to keep her attention. “Isabelle, I’m only human… I can’t do something like that!” I watched her cry. She grabbed my shoulders “You have no choice! No one else can contain my soul and powers but you!!”Isabelle screamed as her tears fell. 

"Please don't grab me like that its not-"

A tear drop fell onto my silver heart shaped necklace with a cross in the middle and four rubies on the curve of it. Flashing came from my chest and a shock of warmth went through my body, the light came from my necklace as the rubies changed from red to pink.  Suddenly I can hear a beeping sound in the distances.

I opened my eyes to see that it was only a dream and my alarm clock was going off. I climbed down my ladder of my bunk bed and pressed the off button.

I slipped on my bath robe and headed to my bathroom. I looked at myself and then at my necklace hanging on my neck. I quickly finished getting ready and stopped to look at the mirror before heading out.  Many can describe me as a short, tan, and quite girl if you didn’t know me but in the end I’m really energetic. I am short, only 5’1 feet tall and I do have tan skin. So, most have the right idea when they first met me, or because I’m so shy about meeting new people.

After finished packing up and eating breakfast, I left at 7:40 to my bus stop and by the time I arrived my chest was burning as if my dream was real.

“It’s just a dream… nothing was real.” I whispered to myself. I tell myself this every day because I’ve had the same angel come to my every night; telling me the same thing. About me becoming queen of Earth and angels, the sense of power coming into my body; I clutched my necklace and repeated to myself “It’s just a dream.”

After arriving at school, I opened my locker and put my bag inside; grabbing my pink notebook, Algebra textbook and my pink pencil case that had a cartoon kitty. “Hi!”  I jumped at the voice and swung my textbook towards the voice.

I looked down at the floor to see my boyfriend, Yeison Martiz, rubbing his head. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry Yeison!” falling to the floor and trying to help him up. He gave me a smirk and pulled me down, making our lips connect with each other’s. I hastily pulled away from him with my face growing red..

“That made up for it.” Yeison said as he held me in his arms. I covered my face with my hands to hide my tomato face. “Yeisom, why did you do that??” he laughed, got up and helped me up “It’s a way of apologizing to me!” looking away from him “Stupid butt… I’ll get you during lunch.” I grumbled, leaning into the hug.

 The five minute warning bell sounded to let us know we have to go to class. Yeison walked down the hall and said goodbye.

“Miss Ortega!!!” Someone yelled as they yanked my shirt and pulled me to them. Mr. Tenjo glared at me; my Alegbra 2 teacher, who, I won’t lie, is pretty hot. And it hasn’t gone unnoticed by many girls.

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