|1| Hi, my name is

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Have you ever stood in one of the highest floors of a building and gazed down at the city through one of those overwhelmingly large, rectangular office windows? The sight is just riveting, isn't it? Breathtaking...

I'd probably enjoy it a little longer if it weren't for the risk of me catching a bullet with my skull right now.

"I see her!" a voice shouted in the distance, causing me to take my position and avoid being a vulnerable target.

I ducked behind the corner of the wall near a doorway, hearing the rapid gunfire coming from the opposite side. The adrenaline that rushed through my veins from being in this intense environment made me smile, almost laugh with excitement. I had always loved the exhilarating feeling of not knowing what to expect. This is what I live for. These assholes had no clue who they were putting up with and there was not a second they had to try and piece together what my next move would be because I couldn't even predict that myself.

That's right, I dared to wing it.

Spotting an office chair in my peripheral, I pulled it over with my foot and kept both of my pistols gripped tightly in my hands. I figured it'd be fun to trifle with him a bit so I kicked the chair off to the side, exposing it to the gunman and he reacted exactly how I predicted he would. As he shot at the chair, stupidly thinking it was me, I appeared from behind the wall with my guns held confidently in front of me.

"Surprise..." I sang to him with a menacing grin.

Before he had the chance to raise his gun to me, I already beat him to it and pulled the triggers at the same time, shooting from his face down to his torso for fancy decoration then watched his body collapse with his eyes wide in incredulity.

I smirked at the sound of the thump of his body against the floor, replaying that satisfying sound in my head as I approached his remains.

I narrowed my eyes down at his pale face, keeping my pistol aimed in case he's still breathing. His still body and the sudden twitches in his hands were good signs that told me he wouldn't be seeing another day anytime soon.

Scarlet red blood began to spill out quickly from the bullet holes in his body and spread across the floor with a small polished shine to it. Call me crazy but seeing it made me crave some red wine now. I knelt down by his side and reached into his coat pocket, feeling around through all of the garbage he had in there.

I noticed that the area around me was awfully silent. There is no way that this guy had to be the last one here. I pulled out a handful of junk from his pocket then found the key. "Perfect. Oh..." I bit my lip at the indulging glisten of an eye-catching diamond. The glisten of a very large diamond, that is.

Stay focused... I came to do one thing and one thing only... But I should keep this as a souvenir.

I stuck the diamond ring in my boot and the key in my pocket then stood up, adjusting my dark shades. I wiped the soles of my boots off on the gunman's coat to keep from leaving a trail of bloody footprints around the building. Then, I proceeded forward.

I quickly walked to the nearest elevator and casually scanned the key card to get in. The doors slid open, welcoming me and I couldn't help but to admire how much effort and investment has been put into this beautiful, up-scale facility. Each floor was much more lavishing than the last.

Too bad it's going to all be burned down to dust after I'm done here.

"Going up?" a man on the inside smiled at me in a way that was anything but inviting. I knew I would be walking into something aggressive but did I mind? Not at all. He then whipped out a metal bar. One that looked like it's been ripped off of a railing or something. He taunted me with it by swinging it with his eyes locked deeply with mine.

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