|81| Walk It Out

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Jaden (4 months later)

The last time I saw Rebecca was the last time I've heard from her. Thankfully enough, it's been and stayed that way for 4 whole months. Everyone who's anyone would know that I've been laid off of work for three of those months because Nicki was just getting bigger and bigger and Simon wanted me to stay home with her until he allows me to come back to work at headquarters.

While I was away from work, I got some news that Rebecca had gotten fired from headquarters and surprisingly, she left peacefully and didn't cause a scene. I really appreciated that from her since I wanted this family to be at peace and she understood that. I knew she wouldn't be immature enough to keep bothering us at a time like this. I also appreciated Simon for still promising me a paycheck for not being at work.

I could see why now.

When Simon told me to stay home and chill with Nicole for this long, I thought it was going to be an easy task. You know, buy her food, exercise with her, and kiss her goodnight but, HELL NO!

I didn't think taking care of a pregnant woman could ever get this brutal! I've had tons of headaches, backaches, knee aches, and every other ache you can imagine. The woman is mad all of the time, nothing I do is right, and all she does is curse at me for everything.

And none of that is a stretch!

I almost got decapitated when she threw a knife at me for bringing the wrong flavored Doritos home!

But recently, she's been a little sluggish... It made my life easier but it kind of worried me. Janet told me not to be too concerned but I couldn't help myself. I was new to this and by the way Nicki was acting now, I thought that baby was going to come out any moment.

Right now, I was in the middle of preparing her a Jamaican omelette. It took me ten tries and eight slappings to get it perfectly right in the past but now, it's safe to say that I'm a pro at it... Hopefully she thinks so.

"Nicki your food is-" I stopped when I noticed that she was right next to me, digging through some cabinets. I watched as she pulled out a box of Skittles.

"Nicki, you can't eat those." I told her with an eyebrow raised.

She opened the box and shrugged, obviously not caring, "I'm hungry."

"That's why I'm cooking for you." I chuckled. "You need to eat healthy, that baby is due in a week. We have to make sure it doesn't come out with diabetes."

She glared, "What are you trying to say? Are you calling my baby fat? Are you calling me fat?"

"N- no! I just want you to eat this instead... Please."

She looked at the omelette then rolled her eyes, "No."

"Yes!" I corrected and snatched the box out of her hand, "Eat it."

"Fuck you, give me my Skittles!"

She tried to grab them but I tossed them on top of the fridge so she wouldn't reach. That only angered her but it was for her own good.

"Jaden!" she roared and threw a fist at me but I caught both of her hands and laced our fingers together instead.

I calmed my voice to her, "Stop battering me for a minute and listen..."

She sneered at me, "You just threw my only food over the fridge... Why would I listen to you?"

I smiled and gently kissed her cheek, "Because I love you... You want to see a magic trick?"

"Are you going to make a knife disappear in your throat?" she smirked.

I chuckled nervously, not sure if she really meant that or not. "No... I'm gonna bring your Skittles back. Close your eyes."

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