|35| Only Human

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**Warning: Scene contains sexual content**


I got off on my floor and headed to my room. A relieved sensation filling up my chest and releasing into a hearty yawn as I stepped inside. Pulling my shirt off so that I was just in my tank top, I headed towards my bed and tossed my shirt onto the sheets, almost dropping my body on them as well but, the scenery outside my window stopped me from doing so.

I turned my head to look through the large windows for a moment... Something about the view from up here captivated me a lot more than when we were out on the beach. It felt as if it literally grabbed and drew me in to take steps closer towards the glass to get a better look. The twinkle of the stars causing my lips to quirk up into a small smile as I opened the sliding doors to the balcony. Gentle wind brushed against my skin with the steps I made towards the railing, blowing my hair in the direction of its breeze.

The view of the night sky looked even better from up here. So still yet, so enchanting. It seemed like the rest of the world was asleep while I stood here, awake listening to the wind howl and the owl hooting harmoniously somewhere in the distance. If only Simon were here to see it...

I'm going to find you...

My hands tightened on the railing as I kept my gaze into the promising stars.

I'll stop at nothing to find you, Simon...

A gentle kiss planted on the side of my neck as Jaden snaked his arms around my waist from behind and rested his head on my shoulder. His voice as gentle as his touch, "Beautiful, isn't it..."

I nodded, "It is..."

He gazed at me for a long, silent moment as I kept my eyes out at the sky, admiring every detail. Not a tree blocking my view, not another building crossing my sight. "Perfect..." I added in a sigh. If it weren't for my father, I wouldn't even be able to imagine a sight like this.

"Speaking of perfect..." Jaden almost whispered. "I... I need you to know something." His voice was a little hesitant as he said that.

I sighed. I wasn't in any mood to discuss anything at the moment. I already had this huge burden on my shoulders from all the stress I carried and, right now, I only wanted to sleep and ease my mind for tomorrow. I slightly shook my head, not looking at him, "Jaden... I told you, we need rest."

He only kissed my jaw then his lips brushed up to my ear and his voice was low and rather sensuous to my ears as he told me, "We have plenty of time to rest..." he kissed me right under my earlobe and I subconsciously pulled my bottom lip between my teeth as I listened to him add, "Right now, I just want to be with you. I've been waiting for that all day."

My eyes slowly pulled shut and tingles tickled through my skin as I felt his lips slowly travel down, back to my neck. I could only half enjoy this treatment. Physically, his lips on my skin felt desirable but in my mind, I couldn't get past the reality that he's done this to so many other women. Even more unbearable, one of those women being none other than that redhead herself.

"I would be lying if I said I hadn't been thinking of you too..." I told him, opening my eyes to look at him now. "Especially with Rebecca touching all over you in front of me." I couldn't help but mention it now. A part of me had a feeling of incompletion when I didn't address it to him sooner. Especially now that he's kissing me like I'm the only girl in the world after making me feel invisible earlier.

He stopped and studied my face for a moment until I walked around him, heading back into my room.

"You're worried about her?" he asked, following after me and taking my hand to get my attention.

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