|74| Are You The One

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Two and a half hours later...

Two and a half hours later and I'm still sitting here!

Fuck this shit, I'm calling her.

I pulled my phone out and found her number in my contacts list. I clicked the call button so hard that I almost broke my screen with my thumb. That's how tense I was. For that hour I waited, my muscles would tighten up subconsciously, my fist would clench, my leg would bounce anxiously. Right now, I just wanted to hear her voice. I needed to. By the way she answers, I could get a clue on whether I had good news or bad news.

She answered on the fourth ring, "What?" she answered tiredly, lacking any emotion.

"How are you doing in there, baby?" I asked quietly but my voice sounded pretty loud because the waiting room was already extremely noiseless. No one spoke a word to each other.

"I was fine until you woke me up from an amazing nap..." She told me.

I chuckled and relaxed in my chair. Her sleepy voice was soothing enough to my ears to calm me down. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to bother you a little bit."

She huffed a small laugh, "Well you're doing a good job right now. I think that's your only talent."

I laughed, maybe a little too loud because I woke Jackson and Tyler from their naps. I mouthed 'sorry' to them then continued to talk to Nicki, "After all the times I've impressed you, you still think I'm worthless?"

She chuckled, "You have your moments." she joked. Well, I hope that was a joke.

Jackson sat up straight in his seat and yawned, "Is that Nick?"

I glanced at him then gave him a short nod. I knew he wanted to get in on the conversation but I really wanted this one on one time with Nicki.

"Uh... Can you get her on speaker?" he asked.

Janet smiled, "I would like to talk to her too."

Of course...

I shrugged, "Alright... Nicki, I'm putting you on speaker."

"Go ahead."

When I set it to speaker mode, Janet was the first to speak, "Hey, hun!"

Nicole chuckled, "Hey, Janet."

"You sound tired." she giggled, "What is the doctor doing that's making you so bored?"

Nicole yawned over the phone, "She already took DNA samples and she's testing them right now. She just left me here to watch a shitty show about bachelors and you won't believe what it's called."

Janet gasped, "The Bachelor? I love that show. Oh, I wish I could be in there with you."

I chuckled at her excitement over it.

Nicole laughed as well, "It's not that exciting, Janet..."


When I heard her voice, I scooted my chair closer to Jaden, "Hey, Nick, did the doctor tell you how long the results will come back?" The sooner she gets them, the sooner she'd announce her choice.

Her voice lost humor in it, "I don't know... Hopefully, before I have to sit through another episode of The Bachelor."

I smiled, "Just hang in there. I'm trying my best to do the same."

She sighed, "I know... And hey, as much as I don't care about any of y'all's feelings, don't go crying when I reveal who the father is." she almost mumbled.

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