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I'm finally free... After all those months of darkness and isolation. I thought this day would never come but those dumbass cops finally came to their senses. As soon as I left, I was told that I have been released after 3 months. I would have never guessed that my time there has been that short. I thought it was much longer, half a year maybe.

Being held captive in that hell hole really made me forget what the outdoors looked like, what fresh air smelled like and it also made me realize how much shorter my temper has become.

As we rode in Rebecca's car, I watched as Dani tried to break the chains away from my cuffed wrists. Jaden and I were still in prison gear because as soon as they freed us, we celebrated early and forgot to give it back to officials. Something to be done real soon but first, I wanted to enjoy the freedom of life.

I've missed seeing everyone's faces, even the annoying ones. But most of all, I missed my family... Simon, Maria, Jaden...

I looked through the back window, seeing the other car that Jaden was riding in. Just looking at it put butterflies in my stomach.

"Hey, Rebecca?"

She looked at me from the rearview, "Yeah?"

"Drop me off at my house instead."

She raised an eyebrow as she turned her eyes back to the road, "Simon wanted to see you... Actually, yeah, why not." She decided to say instead.

She then pulled her phone out and called Tyler who was driving the other car following behind us, "Hey, Ty. We're making a U-turn back to Nicole's place... Yup... Don't question it, just do it... Yeah, they're gonna need it... Cool, bye."

She turned her car around with a small smile, "Make sure you get a lot of rest. Oh, and don't worry about Jaden, I'll make sure he gets to his apartment safely."

Yeah right.

I chuckled, "No, it's fine. I'll let him hang out here with me. We need to discuss something important anyways."

Her smile faded into a slight sneer, "Oh really... You're gonna 'discuss' something."

I narrowed my eyes at her. I didn't appreciate the sarcasm, "Yeah. That's exactly what I said, smartass."

"What are you going to tell him? Just out of curiosity." she faked a smile.

I laughed a little, "Is it your business?"

Dani broke the cuffs off of my wrists saying, "Rebecca, cut it out. Not everything involving Jaden involves you."

"He's my friend too and, not only that, but he also has a little thing for me. I just want to make sure nobody messes that up."

Oh please...

Dani rolled her eyes, "Give it a rest. I'm sure he-"

"No, if she really wants to know, then I'll tell her," I smirked.

Rebecca smiled at that.

"Jaden and I are just going to discuss work. You know, go over our schedules to get ourselves back in shape..." I lied. "Then, after that, I know he'll be tired so I'm gonna suck his dick until the sun sets."

Dani gasped with her eyes wide, "Dude!"

Rebecca only stared at the road in shock, "You're- what the hell?" she giggled without a tint of humor.

I shook my head, "Don't believe me? I'll record it for you and I'll try not to choke on it this time."

Dani laughed, hitting my arm, "You're gross, stop it!"

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