|49| Unleash The Beast

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My phone dinged loudly after hours and hours of training which was my cue to check the time.

Thankfully, we only had another 5 minutes left of training. With the high energy these guys performed with, I honestly thought they could go on for another 3 hours but I could tell they were exhausted though. If I was tired, they were too.

I blew my whistle hearing it echo in the distance, "Time!" I called.

Everyone finished up what they were doing then made their way over to me. All of them had signs of hard work written all over them. Sweat, heavy breathing, slight limping from sprains and soreness, but they managed to keep a proud smile on their faces.

I high-fived each of them, slipping in a compliment or two as I went around.

"Just so you guys know, the smoothie machine in the cafeteria is working again. Who wants to go grab some?"

"I do!"

"Yeah!" most of them cheered.

I grinned. I might as well go grab some for myself before we start our meeting too.

As I began to get my things packed up, I heard an extra set of voices coming from the distance. I looked up and noticed that Nicole's group was ready to use the training spot.

She won't be able to top our performance and time. There's no way.

I smirked, searching through the crowd to find her. I wanted to challenge her group to try and do better than mine. I just know she wouldn't back down from a challenge like this.

When I didn't see her I stood up, grabbed my bag, and walked towards the crowd to get a better look.

Not too long after, I saw her a few feet away, talking to Jerry and one other agent. She looked pretty deep in her conversation but I was still going to ask her.

"Yo, Jaden!"

I stopped and turned around when I heard my name being called.

Tyler, for some reason, walked up to me, giving me a bro hug, "You guys were like Spiderman out there! Damn, you really got the hang of this 'being in charge' thing!"

I chuckled, "Yeah! But uh... Why are you here? I told your dumb ass yesterday that you were in Group 1. We don't see you for a week."

He sneered, "You think I don't already know that? I just wanted to come check on you. I know you were feeling kinda bummed out about Nicole cheating on you."

I shook my head, "I told you already, she wasn't cheating and I'm fine, she came home. See? She's over there with..." I drifted off my sentence when I noticed Coach Jackson scanning the crowd with his arms crossed and his eyes squinted in concentration.

Tyler followed my gaze, "What? What's wrong with you, Jay?"

I rubbed my eyes to make sure it wasn't just another hallucination.

Nope... Still there.

That motherfucking pedophile is still there!

I clenched my jaw with a sudden, eager urge to kill. I could feel the menacing smirk grow on my face. That's definitely him... I heard Tyler say something but I wasn't listening to what it was. The only thing I could hear was the voice in my head begging for violence. Begging me to torture. Never was I gonna stand by and let another rapist get his way the same way I let Levi did all those years ago. I wasn't that same, afraid kid anymore.

My fist clenched as I began to walk over to him.

"Jaden? Where are you going?" Tyler asked but I ignored him.

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