|57| Family Reunion

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"She's getting away, Agent Greene! And she has Simon in the vehicle with her!" Dylan told me through my earpiece.

"We're on our way. Tell us where she's headed." Jaden, Jerry, Tyler, and I loaded into the car. Jerry got into the driver's seat while Jaden and I sat in the back, and Tyler in the front.

"They're going downtown, you need to get there fast before the cops start piling up. Right now, they're only focused on the street chase on the other end of town." Dylan informed.

"On it." I signed off and told Jerry, "We need to go downtown and we need to make it fast. I don't think any one of our roadies know where they're headed."

"Yes ma'am," he replied, stepping on the gas.

As we rushed down the road, I reached behind my seat to grab two shotguns out of the trunk. These had always come in handy when I had to blow out some tires.

"This is going to be one long drive." I handed Jaden one of them. "And not an easy one."

He nodded and checked to make sure it was fully loaded, "I can handle a challenge." he winked then something on the mat caught his attention. "So! When do we get to play with these?" he picked up a grenade and tossed it up and down.

I snatched it from him, "We don't... Well, not unless we really need to. But you won't be responsible for that, you'll only hurt yourself. If anyone's playing with explosives, it's me. "

He chuckled as I loaded my gun, "Says the one who doesn't even have their gear tightened... Here, I got it."

I smirked and watched as he tightened my bulletproof vest for me, "I could've done it myself, I'm not a child."

He only smiled.

Tyler pursed his lips, "You two make a badass couple. I ship it."


"You told him about us?" I asked Jaden.

Jaden raised his eyebrows with humor in his eyes, "I mean... Yeah, but just Tyler. I promise I didn't tell anyone else."

Tyler laughed, "Damn, she's ashamed to say she's with you?"

I shook my head, "I don't want people thinking I could become vulnerable to others. Any more questions about my life that wouldn't make me want to end yours?"

He turned back to the front, "Nope, just wondering."

"Good boy..." I looked out of the window, immediately noticing a few orange vans that seemed to be following our car.

Something seemed fishy about them and I knew something was. I narrowed my eyes and watched as they tried to keep up with us and as they made the same turns as us.

"You see it too, right?" Jaden asked, looking back at them.

I nodded. Of course, I did. "They belong to her... Go faster, Jerry."

He did as I said, speeding up quicker away from the vans and making a few turns to make sure that we were out of sight.

I pulled out my radio and contacted the others, "Is anyone else getting these orange vans?" I asked.

Daniel responded, "If they're near you, don't let them know where you're going. They belong to Fire Catcher's team."

"Figures..." I eyed the road behind us.

"Be careful. Those guys are everywhere," he informed a little too late because just as Jerry made a turn downtown, one of the vans came out of nowhere and intersected the road.

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