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The rest of the team met outside minutes later, lined up in front of our private condo with Coach Jackson standing in front of us, holding the tablet that displayed Simon's face to us.

"So far, according to Agents Rebecca, Tyler, and DT, no suspicious activity has yet been detected. I must say, this is going to be one tricky task so I want you all to understand this, be careful when making the arrest... Try not to hurt the suspects in any way unless it's absolutely necessary, meaning, only attack if they're truly a threat. I'm not hoping to get sued because one of you shot a totally innocent man and/or woman, understood?"

"Yes, sir!" we all said.

"Splendid. We're already off to a smooth start. Know your roles, communication is key. Good luck, squad." he said and we saluted before he signed off.

Coach shut the tablet in its case, "Well, you heard him. Let's get moving."

We did exactly that, heading to our cars and immediately following the road to the show. This mission required serious teamwork. We mainly had to rely on the hawkeyes to guide us through the whole thing to prevent us from being seen and to stay updated as to who is where and when at the same time. The place was huge and I've heard that a numerous amount of people are expected to attend this event, which adds a plus side as well as a negative. It'll be easy to hide in the crowd but, unfortunately, it'll be hard to keep track of everyone attending the event.

Jaden and I were both dressed as normal circus goers, armed with a silent pistol and our MK-18s in our backpacks. Our bags were specially rigged to hide our weapons and surpass metal detectors with the help of sensory defecting chips. I carried my Tiger claw as well because I still planned on using it. When the guards go to check our bags, they will only see casual items and shouldn't be able to catch the camouflaged pockets inside.

"That is one long-ass line..." Jaden said, looking out of the window as I found a parking spot across the street.

The line of circus goers went from the entrance and curved around the block, almost getting in the way of traffic. The doors were already open and the guards were already in the process of letting people in, the line moving up an inch by the minute.

"I did not expect so many people." I scanned the line of impatient and excited folks waiting to get inside as we exited our ride.

"I told you. These shows are really popular. A once in a lifetime experience. Of course so many people want to be here." he went ahead and started for the back of the line.

I followed behind, clicking my earpiece on, "Any clear entranceways, hawkeye?" I asked.

A moment later D.T, responded, "I'm searching now..."

I nodded, "This is going to take a minute." I told Jaden.

"No problem. As long as he comes back before we're at the front of this line."

"I doubt he'll take that long."

D.T suddenly clicked back on, "One... Second and... Now! Get to the back of the building, the janitor left the door open."

I tapped Jaden's shoulder and gestured him to follow me, "Thanks, D."

We headed to the back of the building finding the open door and the janitor not too far from it. He whistled a tune, distracted with the task of rinsing out his mop with a hose. I used my fingers to silently instruct Jaden what route we were using to get passed him and he nodded, quickly understanding. Then, carefully, we hid in the shadows of the building, making our way to the door. We soon slipped inside without being seen, and successfully entered the empty hall.

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