|41| Strawberry Pudding

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Later that night

"We're uh... We're here..." I listened as Jackson's soft voice finally broke the silence between us that had lasted the duration of the car ride here. I kept my eyes closed as the car came to a stop, my body refusing to move from its current position.

After having that overwhelming spike of energy that caused my body to react the way it did earlier, it was clear that my body was doing the complete opposite now. My system was entirely drained of energy but the pain and nauseousness seemed to be a little less unbearable than what it had felt like earlier. Which, could be a sign of improvement...

"Are you feeling okay...?" My eyes opened to look at Jackson's hand on my knee as he asked that. I then turned my eyes to look at him, seeing the slightly concerned look on his face.

I nodded to his question, "I'm having a blast, thanks for asking..." I told him sarcastically, my voice sounding raspier now than before.

He smiled with a small shake of his head, "I'll walk you inside." He told me as he soon opened his door and climbed out.

I let out a deep sigh before I opened my door as well, feeling a little light-headed when I sat up. I'll admit, I thought what had happened earlier was only a panic attack from all of the fret that spurred up my overthinking but never had I felt so weak and sick afterward... I might be actually coming down with something.

"Easy now," Jackson whispered as he helped me out of the car. My hands immediately held tightly onto one of his arms as the ground below my feet swayed from left to right before finally meeting together and becoming still again.

"Good?" He asked and I took a moment to rub the soreness pounding my skull then soon answered him by uttering, "Yeah..." which cued us to start moving.

We began to take slow steps towards his home and all I could think about was how out of place I felt. Like time for me was slowed down while everything around me continued on in fast motion. Even my thoughts became disorganized and there were moments where I suddenly forget how we ended up here and had to remind myself of everything that took place leading up to now.

I watched as Jackson pulled out his keys to unlock the door. As he searched for the right key on the ring, I weakly rested my head on his shoulder, my eyelids weighing down over my eyes as I began to quickly feel sleepier.

And his pleasant scent certainly wasn't helping me stay awake...

I listened as he opened the door and felt when his hand tapped my cheek a few times to keep me awake, his voice telling me, "Hey. Go ahead and rest on the couch, I'll get started on something that should help you feel better."

I groaned with a hand rubbing over my eyes to keep them open as we headed in. I almost made my way over to the couch but watching as Jackson headed for the kitchen made me crave something to eat now.

I stopped and shot a glance at the fridge then turned my eyes to Jackson... Then back at the fridge again, this time saying out loud, "I kinda want something to eat." as I followed after him.

"Ah..." He chuckled as he washed his hands in the sink, "Grab whatever you like, just don't eat too fast. You'll get a stomachache."

You had me at the first four words.

I smiled to myself as I headed straight there, quickly taking notice of now dim this area of his home was. It made me rather uncomfortable as I approached the fridge, it was like blindly walking right for the pit of an endless, black abyss...

Gradually and suddenly, my eyes rolled back and I felt myself stumble against the fridge door, hitting my head in the process which quickly brought my awareness back.

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