|7| Fun in the Sun

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This past month has been a montage of vigorous training, headaches, and preparation for our upcoming mission and I must say, Jaden has been putting in some impressive work lately. Well... Besides the fact that I caught him having a threesome with Tabitha and Casey a week ago...

Don't ask. Let's just say he learned his lesson after​ my taser shocked some sense into him.

I was never the one to be nervous about a mission but this one concerned me. It's been quite some time since I've worked with someone other than my conscience. It's going to take some getting used to now but at least, it's safe to say that improvements have been made through this whole experience so far.

After all of that hard work, I let Jaden treat himself to a full day of nothing but relaxation and, of course, he asked me to come with him.

"Come on, you've helped me out this whole way, you deserve it as much as I do." he held my dorm door open as he begged. He's been standing there for over 15 minutes, trying to convince me... And annoy me in the process. Even though he's worked hard, I still had to suffer through his dirty comments, stupid jokes, and childish games the whole way but it was worth the progress.

I shook my head, "I need to study the map of this mall. The mission is too close for me to start slacking off."

He groaned, "We've gone over it a thousand times already. Take a break!"

I sighed deeply. I'm starting to get really ticked off right now. "I'm giving you three seconds to leave my-"

Before I could finish my sentence, he snatched my notebook out of my hand then hid it behind his back. "You want it back? You have to come to the pool with me." he grinned. "And you have to wear a hot bathing suit."

This is ridiculous... He's ridiculous!

I yanked him by the shirt and slammed him against my wall. "Give it."

He only smiled, "No." he pushed me off of him then smoothly grabbed my neck with his arm and held me from behind, catching me off-guard. "You need to stop being so aggressive, mama," he said in my ear, sending uncomfortable chills down my spine.

I closed my eyes, trying to calm down. I wouldn't want him to go to our mission with dislocated bones even though I really want to break him right now. One... For touching me and two... For testing my patience. For the hundredth time!

"I want to see you in that sexy bikini." he mumbled in my ear then he chuckled, "Then you can show me what's under it afterward. Would that calm you down?"

On second thought...

I jabbed my elbow in his rib, making him stumble back. This asshole should know by now that we are not, and never will be friends. I hate that he feels like he could do whatever the fuck he wants without expecting to get his face pounded into pancakes! I quickly swung my right fist at him but he caught it with ease. I swung my left shortly after but he blocked that as well. He then ducked around me more swiftly than I would have ever expected and jumped over the couch to the other side of the room. When he landed, he taunted me by sticking his ass out while pointing at it with a finger and shaking it side to side, "Gotta be a little quicker if you really wanna kick my ass!"

I'll do more than just kick it, you son of a bitch.

I darted after him, doing a flip over the couch with my leg swinging in his direction.

"Woah!" he quickly dodged to the side.

I landed effortlessly then darted for him, throwing constant punches and kicks in all directions but he somehow managed to keep blocking them like some trained ninja.

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