|52| Roger That

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It was late at night, somewhere around midnight and I was laying in bed, not being able to get some decent shut-eye. I had so much on my mind and after meeting with our mechanical engineers, the Coach Jackson situation was now second on my to-do list.

Smalls triggered my curiosity when he told me that they had already sent our spies out with higher advanced cameras that should be attached to Fire's home, car, and even some of her clothing by now. It was all done quickly and efficiently while she wasn't home. Rebecca also called earlier about a new message she hacked from Simon's phone and was going to let me listen to it during the meeting.

We were making some serious progress. At this rate, we might be able to travel to Europe before Fire could move on to her next stop.

Those new cameras are what I'm really looking forward to seeing at this moment. I could finally get a live look on what's really going on in that home and possibly make out what plans she has been working on. Before, we only had normal cameras that weren't very clear and were only located outside of the home. Now we could be able to see the outside and inside of the home in higher definition!

Screw it, I'm going.

I quietly and carefully lifted myself off of the bed, trying not to wake Jaden up. I kind of felt bad for not being able to spend the quality time he asked for earlier but I'm sure he understands that we were way too busy to get home early enough. We were both extremely exhausted from work and I knew he needed to sleep more than I did. I'll go alone for a few minutes then I'll be back before he wakes up.

I grabbed the keys from the drawer and headed out of the room, making little noise. Then I hurried downstairs on my tiptoes, going towards the door.

The quick sounds of footsteps alerted me, making me duck behind the couch. I knew it was Jerry. His flashlight turned on and he scanned the floors and walls to see through the darkness. As he came near the couch I was hiding behind, I moved slowly to the other side, following behind him as he made his way around.

While his back was still turned, I swiftly moved closer to the door and ducked behind the kitchen wall.

He sighed and scratched his butt before turning his flashlight off and heading back to his room to sleep.

Close one...

I quietly opened the front door and headed out, locking the door behind me.

Next step, find what that bitch, Fire Catcher, is doing with my father...

Quickly, I rushed over to my car, pulling out my keys then starting it and began speeding off on the road. I needed to make this quick so no one back home will worry about me. I only want to check out those cameras for a little while and make sure they're recording so we can analyze the tapes during the meeting and so I could see what environment we're working with for the mission. Our members have been working outstandingly hard for this. I feel like they are more than ready to take on the challenge and get sent down to Italy... And I know for a fact that I am too.

Once I've reached headquarters and parked my car in the dark shadows of the building, I headed over to the large doors, scanned my key card to open them, and entered the building to make my way straight to the meeting room. That's where our primary spy cameras were connected to. I'm pretty sure that the new ones were connected there too.

Shortly enough, I got to the room and noticed that the lights were already turned on as I walked inside. It was probably just one of our night shift members but you know what? You could never be too cautious. I reached into my pocket with my hand on my pistol as I walked to the back room where the cameras were.

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