|16| Departure

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Coach glanced down at his watch, "Okay, that seems like everything. Any questions?"

Jaden raised his hand, "Uh, yeah... When does our plane leave?"

"At 5 am. 3 hours from now."

"Hold up! We only get, what? 2 hours of sleep?" Jaden asked with concern.

Coach shook his head at him, "No... You've got the plane ride to sleep. We're heading there now."

"That's not fair." Jaden sighed

"Well, maybe you would've had more time if you two had shown up to the meeting."

I sighed, "It doesn't matter now. We have to get going, they'll leave if we're late."

"Exactly." Coach Jackson agreed. "Alright then, pack what you need then meet me out to the limo, asap. Good luck, you two."

We both nodded and Coach nodded in return before exiting.

After the door closed Jaden raised an eyebrow at me, "You guys have a private jet?"

"Of course. What, did you think we used, an airport?"

He chuckled, "It's just that I had never seen one since I've been here."

"We don't keep them here. All of our copters, planes, and jets are kept together at a separate facility."

He nodded then rubbed the back of his neck, questions still wondering on his expression. He then chuckled softly, "Speaking of keeping things together... Mind explaining what all that was about?"

The moths in my gut were waking again. I knew exactly what he was referring to. I could tell just by the way he looked at me.

I sighed, half ready to hear it, "What was what?"

He smiled, his grey-brown eyes laughing at me, "Earlier... You, and me."

I shrugged, not knowing how to respond. "I... It was... Out of stupidity."

"Really...?" he asked, walking towards me, my eyes flicking down to watch as his feet stepped closer. "Because, I thought it was something more," he smirked in a way that caused me to stay rooted in my spot, even as he tilted my chin up to look at him as he inched near to me. His gentle touch made my heart skip a beat, instantly making my cheeks flush red.

The sight of his body so close to mine brought my forbidden cravings back. I hated this feeling now. Hated it! But at the same time, I didn't want to stop him.

"I felt that it was something more..." he almost whispered before dipping down to me. Our lips locked for half a second before I shoved him off which only made him chuckle.

I rubbed my forehead stressfully, "Now's not the time, Jaden. Hurry up and start packing." I pushed him towards the door. I needed space from him. I didn't want to see any more of him right now. He only distracted me.

He stopped at the door and turned to me, smiling and reaching for my hand, "We have more than enough time. I can stay a little longer."

I yanked my hand back, "Don't tou- just go!"

I opened the door and shoved him out. His face showed confusion but he thankfully didn't say anything. I took a calming breath, "Every second counts, Jaden. Just get your things together and meet with the rest of us out at the limo. Don't forget important gears and weapons, got it?"

He smiled, "Got it. See ya later, Nicki."

I half nodded then quickly shut the door, letting out a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding.

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