|84| Back To Work?

76 14 12

Nicole (months later)

87, 88, 89


Ugh... Is he already done with that bath?

I dropped down from the bar I was using to do hanging situps so I could go see what Jaden needed again.

It's been a few months after I've been released from the hospital and now all of my time has been devoted to taking care of Nicholas and getting myself back to proper health. Jaden has been very useful with Nicholas though, but it still took some teamwork to take care of him.

"What's up!" I called from upstairs.

Jaden had on the baby carrier, holding a crying Nicholas against his chest. He had both of his hands full, one with baby toys and one with Nicholas' clothes. "Yo, come down here and feed this baby!" he called back.

I couldn't help but to chuckle at him, I found it adorable that something 10 times smaller than him was giving him so much trouble, "I put some milk in the fridge earlier, just warm it up and give it to him!"

He raised his occupied hand to me, "Got it!"

I began to head downstairs so I could help him out and so he doesn't try to grab the cow milk...

I'm excited about the new addition to the family. I have so many plans for him to grow up to be a strong and independent person one day. Once he learns how to walk, he's going to start learning self-defense. The earlier, the better.

He'll also be getting to know Jaden's side of the family more. A few of them for now I mean. Since having him, it seemed like he just brought everyone closer. Aside from Tristan, I've only met Jay's mom and his sister who lives with them and it's safe to say that I could trust them enough to be around Nicholas. They were just as excited about the news too and I'm glad that they could be a part of it all.

I walked into the kitchen, finding Jaden leaning against the fridge, feeding the baby with the correct milk. I gave Nicholas a kiss on his temple then kissed Jaden on his cheek before asking, "Did Maria ever come back with the dog?"

He smirked at me then shook his head, "She texted me saying that she forgot to get groceries so she's taking Duke with her to grab some."

"That's fine. Here, I'll take Nicholas. I had my 20-minute break in the gym, it's your turn to rest now."

He moved the baby away from me so I wouldn't take him, "I got it, you know he gets sleepy after he eats. We can take a break together. Besides, we've never really spent any time together and you're looking pretty hot right now."

I winced at that, considering the fact that I was just wearing pajama pants and one of Jaden's tank tops, "It's weird what you find attractive..."

Jaden began to pat the baby's back after he finished drinking, "You look sexy in anything... And even better in nothing."

I chuckled, shaking my head, "It's been that long, huh?"

He smiled as the baby burped. "You have no idea."

I patted his chest and took Nicholas out of his arms, "That's too bad, I'm not planning on having any more kids this soon."

Jaden followed me as I headed over to our bedroom to put the sleepy baby in his crib, "I wasn't talking about having more kids, we're just gonna cuddle and watch The Morning Show."

"Mhm..." I mumbled as I tucked the baby in.

"I'm serious, look." he grabbed the remote and turned the T.V on to the show but kept the volume low so he wouldn't wake Nicholas. "See? And I already made breakfast, you in?"

I am a little hungry.

I sat on the bed and crossed my arms, "That depends... What's for breakfast?"

He gave me a lustful smirk, "You..." he chuckled before kissing me and pushing me back until I was laying down on the bed.

I laughed and tried to move my face away from him but he kept kissing my cheek and neck as I tried to push him away, "I knew you'd lie, you ass crack!"

He smirked, "Then why did you agree to it?"

I opened my mouth to testify but he got me there. I didn't know why either. All I could say was, "Fuck you." and wrap my arms around him to kiss him back because now that I was in the mood at the moment, I realized how much I've missed spending this kind of time with him and how much I've been ignoring him since the baby's arrival.

I moaned on his lips as he deepened the kiss and let our tongues dance around with each other until I gently bit and pulled on his bottom lip.

Feeling the tone muscles of his body on my hands brought heat to my skin, giving me a weird and sudden urge to kiss, lick, and bite him all over. He just looks so delicious, he's the reason why I stopped hating caramel a long time ago.

My phone rang all of a sudden, causing me to jump and bite Jaden's tongue.

"Ow, shit!" he grabbed his tongue and rolled off of me.

"Not so loud, Nicholas is sleeping," I told him as I pulled my phone out of my back pocket.

Jaden sneered at my comment then got comfy next to me, "A 'sorry, Jaden' would've been nice."

I rolled my eyes then kissed the big pussy on his cheek before sitting up to answer the phone, "Hey, Simon. What's new?" I asked, keeping my voice low.

"Good morning, soldier. I hope you've already showered, ate, and took care of the morning diaper duty because I need you to come down to headquarters right now."

I raised an eyebrow and looked at the time, "I did... But why are you calling now? It's 9:32."

"I know, I would've called earlier but Janet suggested that you and Jaden should come a little later to keep some stress off of you."

"Ah..." I nodded, twirling one of Jaden's short curls. "So, what do you need me for? It can't be anything extreme because I'm bringing the baby."

"No worries, it's just a team meeting. All secret services associated with the USSCI are going to be here so every member has to show up. It's highly important."

"Okay. We'll be there, when does it start?" I asked.

"Be here in about an hour. There will be an announcement for everyone to meet at the back of headquarters, near the memorial when it's time."

"Sounds good. I'll see you then."

"See you later, Nicole."

After we hung up, I tossed my phone on the bed and I leaned against Jaden's chest. "Looks like we're headed back to work. We need to get ready in less than an hour."

"For what?" he whispered, lacing our fingers together.

"We're having some important meeting that everyone has to attend. All of the secret services are going to be there so I'm sure it's a pretty big deal."

"Mm... Did he tell you what it was about?"

I shook my head, "Nope, but I have a good idea of what it might be."

He kissed my hand, "And what's that?"

"Well... It's kind of obvious. He wants to talk about his retirement. Only secret services associated with the USSCI are coming and as you know, he owns most of those associations. That's the only thing that makes sense."

He chuckled, "You're really good at ruining surprises, aren't you?"

I smiled, "You know I hate surprises..."

"Right..." he nodded with a suspicious look in his eyes.

I yawned and sat up before I got too relaxed, "Let's start getting dressed so we could get there on time."

He agreed and we both headed to our walk-in closet to dress up for the occasion.

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