|77| Hope You Understand

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The tears wouldn't seize.

The emotions... They were starting to get to me.

Tristan... I almost couldn't bring myself to leave him.

Even while making my way back home, he had never departed from my mind. Our conversation had been stitched into my brain with a needle of heartache and emotions, strung by newly found hope for the future and adding another patch that began to close the hole of mystery I sensed in Jaden. The more I thought about the talk, the more tears I shed.

It really wasn't until those emotions calmed that I began to develop tons of questions... Questions about Tristan himself, his family, and what would happen after tonight. After all, Tristan is going to be the uncle of my child...

Oh my god... He's going to be an uncle and he has no clue...

I rubbed my sleeves as I tried to warm the goosebumps on my arms, exiting my vehicle and soon heading toward my front door with a deep breath.

One thing at a time, Nicole... Everything is going to be just fine.

I pulled my key out to open the door and quietly headed inside to meet Jay, eagerness already beginning to rise in my chest as soon as I step foot indoors. He needs to know about his brother. He needs to know now and I'll wake him up if I had to.

I headed upstairs, walking at first.

Then jogging a bit...

Then soon, rushing upstairs, heart racing with the anxiousness of wanting to just spill it all out to Jaden.

He has to know... He has to know...

When I made it in front of my bedroom door, I noticed that the dim light coming from the lamp had been turned on, which could only mean one thing.

He's awake.

I gently opened the door to find Jaden who was busy rushing to put his clothes on, clearly, he hasn't woken up too long ago and clearly, he wasn't aware that I was standing right behind him.

"I swear, Duke, your mom is so damn stubborn," Jaden muttered as the dog watched him, wagging his tail and letting out a little bark when he noticed me.

"Tell me about it." Jaden responded to Duke as he quickly began to slip his shirt on, "One second she's here and the next, gone." He said, turning around now, "It's insane-" He paused as soon as he noticed me.

"Are you through rambling?" was what I wanted to sarcastically say to him but for some reason, I could only stand there. The sight of him quickly brought those wild emotions back and caused my heart to race again.

I remained rooted to my spot as he let out a relieved sigh and rushed up to me, yanking me by my jacket. "Where the hell did you go?" He whispered, annoyance showing on the way he scrunched his brows at me.

I only smiled as he continued to rant to me, "You couldn't have at least told me you were going out? I searched this entire house and you weren't here." He sighed, "You need to quit running away like that, you nearly scared the living-"

I grabbed his face and pressed my lips against his to shut him up. As soon as I did that, his hands relaxed and slid around my waist to hold me closer as he deepened the kiss until I pulled away, smiling into his eyes.

"Why'd you do it?" I asked him in a whisper, my finger tapping on his chest. "Why'd you lie to them, why hide from them?"

He looked at me confused, "Woah... Slow down, baby. What's this about?"

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