|24| The Grass is Greener

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After I got the good news that agent, Jaden Brown has finally woken up from his coma and was in the process of recovery, I paid him a few visits until he was released from the hospital. He ended up staying there longer than I had requested, an additional three weeks to be more precise, due to a sudden seizure he experienced two days after waking up.

I was told that it was nothing too severe, nor should it happen again. That it only happened because, before slipping into that coma of his, his body wasn't able to release the tension after he got electrocuted so much during the mission which caused sudden and uncontrollable muscle spasms. I had to explain that to Nicole because witnessing that terrified her.

In all honesty, it had us all a little scared but the good thing is, he's doing just fine now.

We were soon able to check him out of the hospital and we made our way back to the headquarters in our home state.

I must say, it was good to be back but I was still bothered by the fact that a dangerous woman is still on the loose somewhere in the streets of New York. Some of my agents volunteered to stay and help our investigation team find clues and answers, which I really appreciated and might even consider them a raise... Might.

It's been a long week back home for me but I'm basically back where I need to be on schedule, aside from the circus chaos.

I walked down the hall towards Nicole's dorm and hit the buzzer on her door this morning, smiling a bit as I waited. Today is a special day for the two of us.

She opened the door after I buzzed the second time. She was dressed in her black tank top and a pair of beige joggers, tightening her workout gloves, "Oh, hey Simon." She greeted.

"Nicole... You're not busy, are you?"

She began to braid her hair down, "I'm about to start training since the whole New York trip set me way back behind schedule... Why?"

I smiled, "Well, before you go and do that, I want to show you something."

She sighed, grabbing her gym bag, "Can't it wait? I was planning on using this whole day to regain my strength and flexibility."

I frowned at the sound of that, "Actually... It can't, I have a few meetings later. I can show it to you tomorrow if you'd like but I would like to get it out of the way as soon as possible."

She dropped her bag back on the floor and crossed her arms, thinking for a moment, "I suppose I could spare a few minutes... But you owe me a free day."

That's my girl!

"Good! Let's go." I moved aside and let her lead the way to the parking lot.

Once we got in the car, I settled down in the driver's seat and Nicole took the passenger side.

"Where are we going anyway?" She kicked her feet up on the dashboard.

I got on the road, making my way to the highway for a faster route, "You'll see once we're there."

She chuckled to herself, "I'll find out soon enough..."

Not before we get there.

She never liked surprises as much as the average human being did. She is usually the type to find out before anyone could tell her. It's part of what she trains for but this time, I won't be letting that happen.

The car ride was kind of quiet and I suspected that Nicole had already started the guessing game in her head so I decided to start up a conversation. It was more of a distraction to keep her mind off of our destination. I scanned a few of the places on the road until one eventually caught my eye, "Nicole, do you remember that place?"

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