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Coach proudly informed us that our team was ahead of schedule with nothing much to do now except research and check cameras, constantly. Tyler and I decided to hang out on the balcony with the calming, fresh air surrounding us and the balmy sun brightly shining from above. It felt nice, relaxing actually, but it was also pretty hot out here so I wore some shorts, a tank top, and an NYC hat I bought at the gift shop earlier to keep the sun from scorching my face to a crisp.

"But Freeman is shit compared to McTower. How are we even friends?" Tyler said as I rocked back and forth in my chair with my foot on the balcony table.

I smiled, swiping through the article I was reading on the tablet, "You'll regret saying that..."

He clearly doesn't know football as well as I do.

"Oh yeah?" He tested.

"Mhm. Owls play Hounds next week. I bet you 40 bucks we win."

He eyed me for a moment before shrugging arrogantly, "Alright, bet..." he confirmed before taking a few gulps out of his water bottle then asked, "Find anything yet?"

I glanced up at him then handed him the tablet, "I think so... I keep finding these weird theories on the suspects but it's not clear if they're true."

He skimmed through it then shook his head. "I'm pretty sure Fire Catcher is not transgender and... Wait... I've heard of this one before..." he placed the tablet in the middle of the table for both of us to view, "Fire Catcher and Freak Show's hunt for their daughter."

I pulled the tablet closer to me, listening as he continued, "There are tons of different stories on just this one conspiracy. There was this one interesting story that I think is the most accurate..."

I looked up at him, wanting to hear it.

"They take little kids and kill the ones that don't match their DNA. It's weird though, they've been doing this show for decades. I would think the girl is all grown up by now but they keep targeting young children."

"And you think that is the most accurate?"

He nodded, "Compared to the other ones, yeah."

"Something isn't adding up..." I sighed and rocked back in my chair, "What if the girl doesn't exist? These people could be on some serious drugs or something."

He shrugged, "What if they aren't criminals? We could be misled by this whole thing. It could be someone else backstage and Fire Catcher and her husband is taking the blame to cover it all up."

He had a point but there's no proof of that. Criminals or not, they're still the suspects. It's their show, they should know what's going on behind the scenes which is why we need them for questioning, which is exactly what I told Tyler.

"Hope you two bums are getting some work done."

I winced then we both looked up to the balcony above, where the voice came from.

"Is that Nicole?" Tyler squinted through the sun. My heart skipped a beat at the sound of her name.

"Hell yeah..." I smiled. "Be right back."

I jumped out of my seat and stuck the handle of the tablet's case in my mouth as I made my way to the railing, hopping from it, to the brick pole, then jumped onto Nicole's balcony, grabbing the railing and holding myself up all in one quick movement.

She laughed, grabbing the tablet out of my mouth, "I'm impressed... Your upper body strength has really improved."

"Mhm, gimme a kiss." I bit my lip playfully.

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