|36| Roll Call

115 23 91

The sound of the chirping birds on my balcony told me that it was time to wake up before my alarm did. The sun shined brightly through my window with its bright, warm rays bouncing off of my white sheets, illuminating the room with a bright, lively glow. I yawned and stretched, immediately feeling emptiness on the spot next to me.


I felt around the area beside me then quickly sat up not seeing him in my room anymore.

He'd better not have left me.

I yawned again, resting my head back on the headboard and pulled the sheets up to my chest to keep my naked body warm. I sat there for a moment, listening to my peaceful surroundings but then I noticed the faint sound of music coming from downstairs then Jaden's voice talking with Jerry's.

I let out a relieved sigh.

Good, he stayed.

I then got out of bed and went to my closet to find a robe and threw that on as I made my way towards the balcony but the sudden sight of Jaden's cell phone sitting on the drawer, next to our bed suddenly caught my attention.

I tapped my cheek and inched closer to it curiously. Last night, Jaden told me that he wanted to earn all my trust, that I shouldn't worry about the other girls because I was the only one he wanted.

I figured that he'd let me look through his phone if he truly believes that we should trust each other.

I went ahead and grabbed the phone, slipping it into my robe pocket before going out on the balcony for a few minutes of fresh air.

The sun was wide awake and the soft breeze felt amazing against my skin as it brought in the fresh scent of the sea salt and palm trees into my nostrils. That was all nice and pleasing but as soon as I took a seat, a sudden, and unwelcoming feeling in between my legs disturbed that, making me wince.

"Ah, dammit, Jaden..." I huffed, rubbing my lower belly for a moment. Rough Jaden is all fun and games until you feel the aftermath of it...

A sudden tingle to my cheeks made me blush at the thought of last night.

Can't believe we actually did that... And... I liked it.

I bit my lip as I played with my nails, the images hard to shake from my mind. The feeling of it all, hard to forget. It was like the moment our bodies made contact, I could feel my head spin and the world around us no longer existed... It was just us. No one else.

I let out a small huff to myself as I reached for the phone in my pocket.

It will always be just us...

I turned the phone on and, surprisingly enough, it required a 3 letter code to gain access...

Of course...

The only thing the phone let me see were the amounts of notifications he gets and I figured that it was enough to give me a clue of what he has going on.

23 new messages, 14 missed calls, 5 voicemails...

6 gallery messages!

Oh hell no... I began guessing his password, eager to see those messages. I knew that he hadn't been cutting off those other whores like he said he did... I knew he wasn't going to let them go that easily.

A-B-C was my first guess but the phone denied it.

J-D-N I tried to spell his name in shorthand but that didn't work either.

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