Part 2.Mateos hide out💙

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Samantha pov
I wake up on mateo shoulder's in a chair in some werid room that am guessing nobody uses anymore.
He smells so good like that good type shit from designer.😪
I sit up he still sleeping with his arms wrapped around me.
Omg he so fucking cute i could kiss him am trying so hard to control myself so i slap him in a playfull way to wake him up.

Mateo pov
My eyed flew open because i felf something hit me in my face i realize it was samantha she sitting on me smiling she so fucking CUTEEEEE.
Mateo:what was that for
Samantha:am sorry i had to slap you to wake you up(lieing)
Mateo:thats it we fighting
Samantha:you sure about that😶
I push her off of me which caused her to fall to the matt under the chair.
Samantha grabs me by my afro and swings me to the ground and fake punches me.
samantha:YES(tryna push him off of her)
Samantha:oh sorry (stops hitting mateo)
Mateo:your beautiful(outta random)
Mateo shes on top of me (and for negative viewers not like that save that for later)
She smells so good so i wrap my arms around her belly and pull her down so that we are face to face with each other.......
Samantha pov
Am just staring at him and i can feel him getting closer and closer and closer so i had to pull alway.i never told anyone that i was in a abusive relationship with my ex at a old school name jason.he aways hit me and forced me to do what he said i never never anyone. I cant trust anyone tbh anymore this is why i get locked down with my mother being a business woman and always traveling i barely see her so i mainly be home all the time by myself and my father that gave me the world died and i never was the same.
Mateo:you ok.
Samantha:(omg stop its happening all over again why is it so controling its ruining my whole life.i can never have a happy moment)
Mateo:why you keep freezing is there something you wanna tell me.
Samantha:no am fine its just.....nvm lets go get our stuff.
(I get up off mateo)
But he pulls her back down and looks at her .
Mateo:you sure your ok
Samantha:yes am fine am fine (she say nearly crying)
I get up and walk out the door with mateo.
The hallways are empty did school end already.
I look at the clock.3:47
Samantha:look at the time
Samantha:theres no one in the school
Samantha:where gonna get in trouble
Mateo:and.........your point is
Samantha:come on lets go
We walk to get our stuff and head out the back doors.where theres no cameras
Before we go our ways we exchange phone numbers.
Mateo:whats your number
Samantha:give me your phone
Mateo passes to her.and she gives him her phone
Once down
Mateos phone: lilmamiiSamantha😍💍👑
Samantha phone:
Samantha:bye mateo
Mateo:bye Samantha

Sorry its so short i will update whenif i have time later
-Allanzia kisses*💙

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