Blood Is thicker than water☁

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Ocean POV.
The last thing I remember was falling on the ground blacking out and I have a terrible headache. This room is cold and pitch black It smells like weed and other weird shit. I wanna go home.

Queenie POV
"Fuck off ayo I'm not in the mood for your bullshit RN"I was on the urge of slapping him."Babe for the last time she's just an obsessed girl that follows me on Instagram"he said nearly yelling.

My face soften.

"Well un obsess her" I said almost yelling."HOW TF DO YOU UN OBSESS SOMEONE".He looked at me coldy."Why are you yelling at me,STOP YELLING AT ME AYO".I wanted to cry at this point."IM NOT YELLING AT-

I looked at him dead in the face and my eyes started watering.

I laid back on the bed and started squirming uncontrollably acting like a baby....

And I heard the door click shut my eyes popped open I ran to the door and saw ayo walking down the stairs heading out the door. I ran down the stairs almost tripping to stop him.


He turned around and sighed...and kept walking.


I grabbed his leg and locked my legs around his leg so he couldn't leave out the door.

He looked down at me and sighed again.

He picked me up and locked my legs around his stomach. He then pushed me up against the wall and looked me dead in my face."Stop playing with me before I make you wet"He didn't un-lock eye contact.

Boy did I get wet quick....

Samantha POV
"Ughhh"I groan in pain as I hold my stomach and turn to the side a bit."Teoooooooo"I groan aggravated.

He walks in a few seconds later and stares at me for a sec. Oouuu as bad as I wanted to get up and smack his next week.

"What",he weirdly blinks at me."My fucking Stomach hurts that's what" I looked at him harshly."Its too early for you to give birth you still have like 5 more months to go and btw your birthday is in 2 more weeks"he said plainly."I know now help me because ik in pain"

I was starting to get aggravated because this whole time talking he could've been making me a sandwich or laying down next to me rubbing my stomach like nigga. And I'm hungry too a bitch about to have a eating spree.

"This whole fucking time you could've been Making me some food and rubbing my belly and been to the store and back. like tf nigga I'm hungry are you the one pregnant... I think tf not".I said ready to break shit."Pregnant can't be all that hard".He said bluntly.

My eyes got wide real quick,Did he just say that BEING PREGNANT IS NOT ALL THAT HARD. Is this nigga dumb your try having a baby in your stomach for 9 months or less and that baby kicking and shit you getting up in the middle of the night in pain because of your stomach, Hungry 25/8,even having your water breaking on the wrong time and you being in a great deal of pain and then having that baby pushed outta your pussy or having your stomach cut open know as a c-section.......Even more worst having a miscarriage.....

And that word miscarriage almost made my whole life shut down....having a miscarriage and the most hardest thing to get by especially if you can't get over it I miss my baby that I lost all because a dayshawn.

Ewwwww his name made my body curl in discuss.

I hadn't realized how long I was having this talk with myself because Mateo was shaking me to get my attention.

"What"I said dryly."Can you freaking hear I been calling you for a while what's wrong?,What are you thinking about?".He asked concern.

I swallowed so hard*pause*

"dayshawn...... And my miscarriage".I looked at him and a look of sadness formed in his eyes it was like he wanted to look away and cry but he didn't he stared at me and didn't shift a movement.

"I know sometimes you think about these things*sighs*But you gotta find some way and get over-.......".

Was he about to say what I thought he would say,He stopped talking and looked at me.

My eyes was on an urge to create a river of tears.....get over could he even say something like That. It's a unborn child that's life has been taking away from.

A tear manage to spill over and mateo was about to pull me into a hug but I pushed him away. I can't right now my heart was pealing off away and I just couldn't even look at him.

"Samantha"......He looked at me in a *give me a hug and forgive me way*

But no I couldn't right now how on earth was I suppose to get over something like that when it happen not even a year or two ago.

A little voice In my body was telling me to just forgive him, another was telling me to tear down every painting in this room,Push over that lamp, Break the TV, Throw the pillows on the floor,Flip the bed over and night stand....just basically go crazy and oh of course slap him so hard his afro will come off.

Author:IG picture Mateo bald......YIKES!!!!!

"Baby I'm sorry I guess-",I cut him off and he could finish his sentence... And I got up and walk downstairs.

Zavi POV

Author: the lies you tell*shaking my bean*

Anyways Jordan bitch Ass hasn't came back over after that day that I supposedly"raped her".She knows that she liked it and she can't lie. I will forever love Jordan imma make her my princess and I hope she hasn't told anyone of her friends or family or she will pay big time.

Life is good don't you think😉

My life is perfectly fine

Jades POV
Its been a while since ya heard from me is that supposed to be goof news or bad news you tell me because if its bad news that me and ya don't know what I'm up to so ya won't see what's coming.....good news because ya all tried of my annoying ass and just wants to get rid of my ass.....

Welp its not gonna happen😊

Allanzia kisses*💓

Don't Look❤(Mateo Love Story)☁Where stories live. Discover now