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Author:Take note serious problems up ahead👀

Samantha Pov
Everyone left the pool and I already took a shower to get the dirty pool water off my body and everyone and there manz was talking and Im just sitting there like where tf is mateo.

Like this dead is not kike him not not text me or call me and I began to grow alittle bit worried because its been all day and He knows how I get when I don't know where he is at.

Imma call him again

And he still didn't pick up

I fucking gave up im tired

I went to the bedroom and got under the covers.

Imma just ko

I was trying to sleep but couldn't so I got up to go to the kitchen and get something to snack on.

I got some oreos and headed back to room.

I sat up for about 10mins and went to sleep.

Mateo Pov
Wait before ya niggas yell at me ya can't blame me for fucking her I was drunk it could happen to anybody.

Author:Yea but you know if that was samantha you would've flipped

Shut up

Author:Nah im good its my story correct

Yea yea w.e

Anyways I can't believe I wad having sex with jade

Author:well believe it.

Rn she's inside the bathroom doing whatever

Author:probably fingering herself


But imma need to leave with out her knowing

Author:Fuck you mean without her knowing she gonna realize she isn't that dumb lmfaooo


I need to get back to samantha ik she worried about me

She probably called me about a millions of time.

Btw where tf is my phone

I looked around the room and noticed it on the carpet

I picked it up and skrrrr out the door I went.

Fuck pressing an elevator button I jeted up the stairs.

To the 16 floor

Mind you I was on the 5 floor.

But oh well

My legs can take it

Author:You sure about that you while boney and shit.Don't break your legs


Anyways I made it to the 16 floor and walked to Samantha and I door

Author:Correction Samantha door


Author:You will see


I had the pass to get in

Once I was inside the apartment I closed the door behind me quietly as possible.

The living room lights are off and so is the TV

I wonder where samantha is

So I went to the bedroom where she was sleeping im guessing.

I took off my clothes and changed mad quick and tryed my best to get into bed with out her noticing

Well spoke to soon.




Samantha POV

Samantha:Tf you thought this was Get out

And now im fully awake.

Mateo:Lemme explain why I haven't been texting or calking you.

Samantha:You got 5 seconds go

Mateo:After everything I went to a bar and got drunk and kinda lost my way to the right floor of the hotel and knocked on the wrong door only to be opened by jade and we fucked im sorry i really im didn't mean for it to happen.

My heart just crushed into a million pieces.I don't know if to cry or spazz or just forgive him.Omfg i can't rn.

Im having mix emotions

Samantha:You did what....I can't even...are you....

I don't know what wrong with my body.

Its locking down

I felt streams of tears coming down....
Im panicking way to much.

She's alive oh god oh god.

And i started crying even harder like a baby

Making weird animal noises

I sat there crying until mateo came over and tryed hugging me but I pushed him away

And he walked into the living room an never returned.

Im such a bad bad bad person
I was crying so hard that my covers was soaked a d i wouldn't breathe out my nose. ...

My face was becoming red......

Everything was just hitting me left and right

I was having a major melt down

I slid off the beg crying and crying banging my fist into the hard floor.

They was becoming red and starting to bleed alittle.

I was grabbing on to my hair at this point

I was kicking the air.....

I pushed everything off the dresser and pulled down all the paintings i threw all the pillows off the bed even the bed sheet.

I was spazzing and crying very hard at this point

I picked up a vase and threw it at the ground

Making it shatter and the pieces hit my foot cutting me but ion care....

I still was crying

Until i lost it that i gave up and collapsed into the floor

Allanzia kisses*🙇

Don't Look❤(Mateo Love Story)☁Where stories live. Discover now