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(Please read it only takes a min and would really mean a lot too me , please read all the way too then end ) ❤️

Hey guys , I haven't been on here in so long and I'm very sorry about that , I been trying my best too stay active but things got in the way . I've been working on school stuff lately and just been taking a very long break , I had a bad writers block for like a year 🤦🏽‍♀️ I'm sorry I just left , I miss my followers so much 💗 I hope yah miss me too , please I want too gang my followers back and help my new stories grow and too connect with yah again .

Pleases share my stories with your friends and most importantly vote , it means too much too me and encourages me too keep updating and too have something to grind for . I miss having that feeling of when I would get voted and love from followers and when o could interact with yah ❤️

I no longer have writers block and I now have a new story called " forever 💍" please go check that out and read , it's based on me and my boyfriend I decided too switch it up and do something different . Please note that some things in the book are true and some are not . Please ask questions and comment on what you think and if you want updates please let me know , as I said it encourages me too update frequently. Please vote as that makes me feel very happy that someone appreciates my work and please share so that if tells me that I'm loved from my followers "Wattpad family"❣️

Please if you read all the way too the end please vote for this "chapter" so that I know would rocking with me and who's still here .

With so much love allanzia ❤️

Don't Look❤(Mateo Love Story)☁Where stories live. Discover now