Your gonna be just fine

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Samantha pov
Something told me to go back to the spot where i left mateo and what i saw made my eyes water.......mateo is on the floor in a pool of blood unresponsive.
Mateo pov
I heard a voice calling my bame but i cant move or speak just hear.
That person sounds like samnatha.....she came back to check on me.idk know if imma make it but i hope so that i could be with the girl i really love.

I wake up in a hospital my vision is blurry but i could hear someone crying.its probably samantha.
I try moving to turn to look at her.but i cant am in so much pain.god why me out of all people why me. Well they did say everything is meant for a reason😒.

Samantha pov
I was in pain myself i think i need to get a heart poor baby is stab by a dirty ass bitch name jade who has no brains what so ever.but nah bitch us not gonna get away like that imma hurt that bitch theres so many reasons why imma do it.
1.she threats to slice my neck open and for the record yay probably wondering how ik well i heard her and her 3 roach friend talking about doing that to me.
2.she stabs someone thats really close to me.
3.breaks mateo heart even tho he derives it.
4.i just dont like her like what the hell did i ever do to you.the first day that i came to school you dont like me because you find every girl that talks to your ex a threat to him finding some one WAY BETTER🙌

Samantha:mateo am really sorry.
I should of gave you a chance but everything is gonna be alright......i prosime

Mateo:yo-u kn-o-w i l-ove -yo-u ri-g-h-

My eyes widen to see mateo talking to me
Tears start pouring down my face harder.
Samantha:am sorry i could be there for you am sorry that i let this happen to you this is all my fault (crying there eyes out and sobbing)
Mateo: it-s no-t yo-ur faul-t
Samantha: mateo i love you too with all my heart your gonna be alright i prosime

Mateo pov
Her words echoed in my head as I slowly went in a pitch black view and my monitor with off

BEEP...... BEEP......BEEP.....BEEP....BEEP.

samantha:noooooo MATEO NO .....NURSE......NURSE......SOMEBODY PLZ........HELP ME .....MATEO STAY WITH ME..........NOOOOO😢😢😢

mateo pov
All i heard was samantha yelling at all the nurses and yelling out my name and saying stay with me.i could feel anything or see anything just viewing this out.i lay there lifeless am on life support and my room is quiet.i dont think samantha's there she probably left the room because she was over hysterical. I think i heard glass shattered and banging and yelling until she calm down. Damm that girl must really love me.💙

Nurse1#: out check his breathing pluse and make sure his blood is right.and that heart rate and everything is fine.
They where checking everything until they was finally done and left the room.

Samantha pov
I left the hospital a month ago hysterical because he was going away slowly so i got scared and an anxiety attack happen.its been about a month hes been in the hospital.i miss him i want the old mateo back. I called his brother ayleo to let him know what happen with mateo and dont ask me how i got his number i found it in mateo's phone
Anyways am going up to the hospital about now and half of the nurses was staring at be i guess about the incident that happen about a month ago.
I was about to say something but i kept going ion hear to put on a show.
I walk into room 345. Nobody is in there and the room is fresh clean.
Mateo looks lifeless his monitor is fine lets just hope it stays that way.

Samamtha:mateo i hope you can hear me i love you so much and i dont want you to leave right now

I try holding back my tears but its so hard to control myself.i just hope i dont have an anxiety attack not now not here its the wrong place and the wrong time.and tbh mateo is the only one that could really help me calm down with my anxiety attack.

He doesnt say anything so i feel like maybe he could hear me but not say anything to me to respond.
Samantha:mateo(saying softly)
Samantha:omg you can hear me you talking to me(getting excited)
Mateo:yea duh
Samantha:and your talking clearly
Mateo:ummm hmm
Samantha:try opening your eyes.
Mateo:ok imma try(opens his eyes)
My vision a little blurry.
Samantha:its gonna get better trust me.can you sit up.
Mateo:ummm let me try.(does it)
Samantha:well i guess a good deep sleep does help your bones.i mean you are nothing but skin and bones tbh😭.
Samantha:already using faul language.oooooo mateo am telling
Mateo:tell who.
Samantha:its a joke tf😑.

And guess who opens the door as both of our heads turn
Find out wat happens next
-Allanzia kisses*💙

Ummm am not gonna leave you hanging like that.

It was jade outta all people has the nerves to come show her face oh she gotta another thing coming for her.

Jade:well if it isnt my fave 2 love birds

I swear i am 2.5secs away from slapping all that makeup off of her.

Samantha:dumb bitch you dead got the nerves to come up to a hospital to see someone that you stab.(i get up because imma beat the shit out of her)
Mateo:chill samantha now is not the time
Samnatha:nigga fuck that time(runs up to her and starts punching her)

punch...punch....punch.....punch.....punch....punch......punch......punch.....punch.......and kept going up til guards and nurses pulled me off of her cuz I was about to kill her.
Jades face was red and bleeding and had made marks and 2 black eyes.

Jade:il be back😘
Samantha:sweet dreams little bitch(kicks her in her face causing jade to black out😅)

Mateo pov
Am shoked but also happy that jade got her ass beat👏🙌

Samantha pov
They took me out the room and told me to cool of and i told them everything and then told me that mateo will be leaving this friday which is i 2 days so yay💙.

-allanzia kisses*💙

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