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Author:this might get u in ur moods

Samantha POV
Im sleeping Rn but is having the best dream of my life.........so much a person can ask for


3years old.........

Samantha:come on daddy lets go on that ride

Dad:wait princess slow down

My dad was out of breath from chasing me....he had one hand on his back and was tryna catch his breath

Samantha:*jumping up and down*come on dad lets go on that one

Dad:that ride is too dangerous

Samantha:plz*sticks her bottom lip out*

My dad smiles at me

He then takes my hand

Dad:alright come on princess

I was so excited

I looked up at all the shiny lights that was fading out......the laughter of others and people walking by holding hands......

It was just a nice summer night to go to a theme park and just hang out

A daughter and dad day

My mom was at work

Like she always is but she still hangs out with me when she can.

We stepped on line....and when it was our turn next......i was so happy....

I was just 3 years old and didn't know what was coming

After strapping up....

I look at my dad

Samantha:daddy im scared

Dad:dont worry princess im right here and im not going no where*he grabbed my hand*

That made me feel better as i sat back and waited for the ride to take off....

The feeling that you get knowing where your hair is gonna go flying back makes you even more ready

The red light turned to yellow and then to green.....

And the ride took...off

Samantha:daddy look at all the rides...

This was my favorite part of a ride is to see the others.....

There was a gigantic wonder wheel and so many other tents and other rides with people screaming and crap....

But for some reason it was what i wanted.....

The ride stopped at the top and it was a face first drop.....

Samantha:daddy i don't wanna drop

Dad:dont worry nothings gonna happen to you....

When ever my dad says something i believe it because i tell my dad everything he keeps me safe and i knew he wasn't going anywhere....

The ride dropped straight down....

I was screaming and yelling.....

Until the ride felt like it was slowing down......

And everything froze.....i looked over to my dad......his head was facing me and he was smiling at me....

I was tryna talk to him but he was ignoring me.....

But the ride was still moving but slowly


My words was coming out so slow

And thats when it happen everything vanished........

I was in a cold room......

It was pitch black....

I was curled up into a ball......in a dark cold corner........

???:til we met again✌

And thats when i woke up

I jumped up on my bed nearly knocking over mateo........

I woke up inna a cold sweat......

I felt mateo move he turned his head towards me and his eyes opening

Mateo:what happen*rubbing his eyes*

Samantha:no i had a kinda werid/bad/good dream

Mateo:you wanna talk about it....

Samantha:i just wanna go back to sleep

I turned from him and layed my head down.....

I felt his arm go around my waist.....

Mateo:U sure you down wanna tell me....

I was on the urge to cry.......

But then it happen......

I felt tears come down my face......

And i pretty sure mateo can tell he always knows when something not right....


I didn't answer him at first


Samantha:huh?*wiping her tears*

Mateo:why you crying

I didn't answer him whats wrong with me

He then let go of my wasit and got off the bed and walk around it to come to my side and turn on the light......

I took the covers and covered my face....

Mateo:samantha stop

He was tryna mover the cover off my face........

But he was stronger then me and pushed my arms down

Mateo:whats wrong samantha

Samantha:nothing i just had a dreama about someone


Samantha:my dad

He let go of my arms and looked at me for awhile....he then sat next to me.....

And pulled me up so that my head is on his chest.....

He was hugging me

Author:i need a nigga like this

Mateo:if you wanna cry im right here

Mateo:if you want i will cry with you

I looked up him and wrapped my arms around his neck and this time i was sitting on his lap

The he was rubbing my back

He makes me feel better....

And i started to cry........

5mins later.....

I was already falling back to sleep

Because sometimes after you cry you start to fall asleep..

And so i did.....

Mateo was on his back and i was on top of him......

I kissed his cheek and went to sleep.

Author:that dream kinda makes me think about my dad but never really knew him because he died when i was just 3 he was in my life every day...just wish he didnt have to go.....one bullet to the head😕❤

Allanzia kisses*❤

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