Truth is....☁

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Jade Pov
I never die and when I mean I never I never do.Did ya really think that All that punching kicking and shotting me in the face can kill me.Ha! You best to try again....As long as I'm living mateo and Samantha and that baby life will continue to be a living hell.I wanted that baby dead and once she died I could've watch Samantha suffer and cry days and night about whats that baby name of yea Aria and then once she's down because I know she hasn't took her pills in a while I wouldve killed her as well and anyone in the way of it.....And have Mateo all to my self.

Ya probably asking ya selves..."Jade why don't you just find another nigga thats not taken and live a natural happy life".No! Because ya fo not know the full story about me and mateo relationship.

So lemme Tell you

Me and mateo Have been together ever since I Was 12 and he was 13 ans as we got older to me being 16 and him 17.But everything changed when he broke my heart took my virginity and Made me loose a baby by pushing me down the stairs and ever since then I have been hurt.Yes I know I maybe lied and fucked around But I've always loved him.He really did break my heart even Beated me up a couple of times while pregnant and didnt care.I really did think that he loved me.

What only killed me made me stronger so I started getting tougher and Being Cold hearted.And then when samantha came into his life she completely changed he never hit her nor lied to maybe a few times but not as much as to me.

And when thry had that baby It really hit me.He left me there alone.....Partys he would leave me in the middle of the dance floor to dance with another girl and I would just stand there and watch while countless niggas come up to me and touch me in ways I felt uncomfortable and he would stand there and watch and strug his shoulders.Leave me outta random and I would go home all by myself and cry myself to sleep.He's bipolar one min wanna play lovey dovey and then wanna stabb me in the back and be cold hearted himself.

But the one thing I will never forget is when I had a misscarrgie and he had the nerves to come to the hospital while im laying with my dead child and say "I dont wanna be with you anymore I hate you and want you to die and I don't love you....Never really did.And he wasnt alone he was with some other bitch who was grilling me and laughed when he said that and they both left together.

I cried for hours and in that bed as they took my dead child and about what he has done to me.Its all his fault that the baby id dead.

He even kicked me out...And then ya wonder why I done all these bad things to him because he deserved it.Stabbing and lwaving him the hospital...kill ocean and other shit.....His girlfriend even killed my brother....

Don't get me wrong I never was like this.I always did my school work and never was a "Hoe" But until I meet mateo everything changed.

And now Im the bad guy

Fuck no you will pay

Allanzia kisses*😈

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