Lets just go away

858 38 24

1week later
Samantha pov
Mateo is out the hospital finally.7days felt like 7 years.....

Im in my room and mateo is downstairs.Rn sometimes you can't really trust anybody.....but i trust mateo.....

I head downstairs and see's mateo dancing in the mirror...

I laught to my self alittle..

Samantha:what are you doing

Mateo:what does it looks like

Samantha:You looking like an asshole....

Mateo:w.e.......dance with me

He looks up at me ...

Samantha:Fine but i can't dance lmfao....

Mateo:just try...


I went downstairs and started dancing in the mirror.....

I did the drop in the reverse and the foot work and whip and other shit lmfaooo

Mateo kept jumping up and down screaming AYE AYE AYE and im just looking at him like i wasn't even trying.

Mateo:aye and you say you can't dance...

This nigga was eying me up and down.......


Samantha:mateo guess what...
Samantha:i wanna go on a trip...
Samantha:idk the Bahamas
Mateo:oouu sounds cool...all of us coming right
Samantha:if ya want but i know that i wanna leave for a good while.....just away from bad energy....
Mateo:when you wanna go
Samantha:next week it will be perfect because of break..
Mateo:yea your right....
Samantha:you wanna go out
Samantha:somewhere just don't worry....brb

I head upstairs i gotta see if im pregnant or not...

I run up the stairs nearly tripping on the steps...
I go to the bathroom and take a out a pregnancy test from the cabinet...

I seat on the toilet and wait....

(Random ass music)

WOW.....well i kinda already knew i was pregnant when mateo made my back arch and came in me more than twice....

I wonder if its a girl or a boy

But i wanna girl...

I walk back down stairs and get my jacket..... And walk out the door...

I gotta a good place to go

Sorry the update short but im tired and i got a test....

Wish me luck......

Allanzia kisses*💋

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