Really my nigga😕

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Mateos pov

Come back mean the world to me......i would do anything just hear your name or to see you alive......i love you with all my heart...and i cant live life without dont understand how much i would do just to make you happy......dont leave me (tears coming down even harder)

I love you.....i wanna be with you forever........

Samantha pov
Im free im on my way to heaven goodbye world....and hello heaven...the be free.....❤
Your probably asking why im i so happy well im not .....its just good knowing that jade and her friends are not hear to harm you anymore.......and that there is no more troubles to haunt you..........bit imma miss everyone i heard everyones say there goodbyes.....even mateos....his hit me the hardest i love this boy with ever ounce of blood in me.....but i can't help it god is calling me now to come......

I can see the gate and light.....i see someone standing vision becomes clear


Samantha:aunt sally why are u waiting for me at the gate
Sally:im here to tell you to turn back
Samantha:wait why
Sally:your time is not now god isnt calling you at this moment your to young to die....and you see that boy
Samantha:yea what about him
Sally:you have a furture with him....he loves you so much and when you got kidnapped......he tryed his best to find you......he's the type of boy that will die for you.......
Samantha:anuty sally i miss you and love you
Sally: i do too dear....but imma see you years from now....and imma wait for you at these gates when the time comes.......i love you dear and take care of yourself......
Samantha:how do i go back
Sally:close your eyes and count til 3

Samantha's pov
I open my eyes to see nothing but blur and hear mateo crying so i try turning head but not for him to see me just yet......i turn and see him with his head down....and crying me a river
I take my hand and slowly move it to touch his hair........

Mateo's pov
I feel something touching me and i see its Samantha's arm and she's smileing
Samantha:hi mateo(she say weakly)

......i jump up so fast im pretty sure she banged her arm.....

Mateo:your alive
Mateo:how wtf
Samantha:well i did die but i came back.....its complicated....
Mateo:i thought i was gonna loose you scared me....i love you so much........
Samantha:i love you too.....i thought i was gone as well
Mateo:well im happy asf that ur back i would of never been able to move on....with out you.....
Samantha:did.....queenie....make it
Mateo:yea she made it.......
Samantha:oh great.......
Mateo:imma go tell everyone.....
Samantha:wait.....scare them alittle....
Mateo:oh ok

I decided to come out all sad and shit.....and act like i was before i entered that room....everyone face expression is dry and sad i sit down.........wait like 10sec

Mateo:SHE'S NOT DEAD.....

they all look at me like stfu yea she is face......

Mateo:if ya dont believe me go check for your self i was just talking to her......

Caroline:ju lyin
Mateo:im really not why tf would i joke about something like this

I swear i never saw Caroline bolt threw that door so fast...........

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