Free at last.Part 2

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Samantha Pov
Star and Dream then later came about 1 and a few mins into the chruch and mad there way to a row with empty seats.

Mateo calm down and so did ayo.I held mateo hand as he kepts squeezing every 20 seconds.

Im tried and I know everyone is as well.I miss ocean already she always Tried keeping us together and now where slowly drifting apart.

Something told me to look at the door and I did so The door made a loud nosie stopping the ceremony and getting everyone attention.

This person wasn't dressed appropriate to the occasion,This person had a black sweater with the hoodie over his/her face and black ripped jeans and black boots.

Caroline stood up and her eye was twitching....everyone looked at the figure and started whispering.

The figure was about to take off her hoodie but Caroline pregnant or not decked the figure in its face making the hoodie come off it was


Caroline screams and punched and stomps on jade and I get up along with queenie and jordan and beat the shit outta her.

Star Pov
My jaw dropped along with dream they was just beating her up I wanted to help along so I looked at dream she looked at me and we both nodded our heads...We ran and started kicking her as well mind you we had heeles on....But we didn't care.

"DONT KILL HER"Some random bald headed nigga yelled standing up

"SHES THE ONE WHO KILLED OCEAN"Caroline said as her vocie cracked.

"KILL THAT BITCH"Ocean mom yelled charging at jade and double decking her and body slamming her.

Samantha Pov
Jade began to cough up blood and Shake Then she stopped moving.Someone ran to us and checked her pluse and looked up

"She's dead"

1 month later

imprint and Crystal they already started looking for a house in flordia and Key and caroline and moving to a house a few blocks down not to far.

Ayo and queenie are back on the right track...she's been taking her pills and is getting better and ayo is less aggressive.

And me and mateo are expecting a baby and Starting our own little family.

Jordan is Still shooking up about everything her being raped in all but zay and her have been getting closer they been going about every where with eachother.

Anyways this baby is due anytime soon and lately I been getting stomach pains like alot.

Rm Im laying in bed waiting for mateo to come back from the store with my Bagel with extra cream chesse toasted☺

I imsit up in my bed and hold my stomach and breath in and out....

Oh now not now......

I felt something wet come out of me and soak my bed sheets no not now.I was still hold my stomach and reaching for the phone on my dresser next to my bed....

I was about to cry I was in pain.

I called mateo...

Phone conversation
"MATTTTTTEEEEEOOOOOOO!!!"I yelled through the phone..

"What!! Why are you yelling"He asked

"MY WATER BROKE I THINK IM GOING INTO LABOR COME HOME NOW AND HURRY IM IN PAIN".I screamed in the phone still holding my stomach and doing breathing techniques

But it wasn't working

"Alright alright im coming"He said and with that the phone hung up.

All I could do now was wait...

Allanzia kisses*☺

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