Shelly's beach pt.2

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Mateos pov
Where half way to beach just walking up a hill and then we see jade and her bitch ass friends run the opposite direction....shit we can't catch them now.....then it ran a bell in my head that if there running they already drowned samantha adnd Queenie.....

Mateo:ayo they already drowned them.
Mateo:ocean,jordan,jasmine,crystal, after them and make sure u catch them...
Mateo:the rest of us get in the water and find Queenie and samantha.......

I start running and so does everyone else

I was first to hit the water and then ayo and now where all in the water

Zavi:im diving in
Mateo:ig im going to too

So where diving in and i can see 2 figures i can see samanth and queenie i just hope its not to late.....

I grab samantha and zavi helps me to pull her up

Ayo pov
I can see queenie omfg and samnatha i just hope that its not to late to get them to a hospital......i grab queenie and zay is helping me and we bring them up to a surface......

Im panicking a little but tryna keep calm as possible to give her mouth to mouth....
Alonzo: im call 911

Until they get here imma try to give queenie mouth to mouth.....i try and try and try but its not not about to give up.....i can see mateo tryna so the same thing but its not working neither......come on god plz not now we need the both of them

Mateo pov
Im trying my best to give samantha mouth to mouth until the ambulance gets here...but its not helping....i hope i pray that its not to late because i really need her....both of them.....they cant leave us not now......

Zavi pov
I cant help but to pace back and forth because these are like my 2 lil sisters.....and i wouldn't want to loose sure that none of us wants to loose them......

Zay pov
I can see ayleo and mateo trying there hardest to make samantha and queenie breathe but its not working...i wonder how long they been in that water......

Caroline pov
We finally caught up to these bitches and beat the fucking shit outta them i swear i made sure that i seen enough blood...because if my friends dont fucking make it imma kill all of them....yea im that crazy bitch.....
So once we finished beating the shit outta them and seen enough blood we walked off....

I swear i wanted to use my ninja star to slice her neck open but another side of my body was telling me no you dont wanna do to jail......

We walked back to see samantha and queenie on the group not breathing and immediately everyone eyes teared up....then we heard sirens and the Ambulance was coming and they took queenie and and mateo and ocean and zay and crystal and key got in samantha truck and ayo amd jasmine and alonzo zavi and jordan got in queenie's truck and off to the hospital we go.....


What do you think is gonna happen to samantha and queenie?

What do you think jade is gonna do next?

Do you think samantha gonna make it?

Do you think queenie's gonna make it?

How do you think mateo feels?

How do you think ayo feels?

Now for this chapter im not updating unless i get 7 votes and these questions answered.

-Allanzia kisses*❤

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