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I stand all alone in the hallway, sitting patiently in wait, and I watch the clock tick over the door. Waiting is never my strong suit, but I came early anyways.

Then a bell rings, as a flood of toddlers come rushing into the hallway, all lined up in a row like little ants. The day care workers make sure the children are all obedient and mainly quiet. I smile as my eyes meet the little brown ones of the toddler on the far right. Before our eyes lock, he talks excitedly to the girl next to him, and clutches the straps of his backpack tightly.

I wave down the day care manager, and she comes over with the same grin as usual. It surprises me that she can keep a smile on her face when dealing with screaming kids all day, but I'm still glad she's not glaring at me.

"Seiji did amazing today as usual!" She chuckles, motioning for the boy to come over, "Well, we'll see you tomorrow?"

I nod, "Five o'clock."

I crouch down as Seiji runs into my arms, his chubby cheeks forming a smile. He buries his face into my neck, as I scoop him into my arms, and stand up.

"Wave goodbye." I whisper into his ear, as I wave to the daycare workers and he mirrors me.

At only two, he's already so social, it surprises me. Though I know where he gets it from, it still surprises me to see the resemblance...

As we leave the day care, I start walking down the street, still carrying Seiji.

"Mommy has to go to the store, but after that we can go home, 'kay?" I ask him, as he's propped on my hip.

He nods, "Hungry."

"Seiji, we can eat when we get home, we don't have any food, so we have to go to the store." I chuckle, shifting up so that he stops sliding down.

He furrows his little eyebrows as I run a finger through his soft hair, which is constantly in a spiked mess. He closes his eyes and sighs, before nodding.

"If you're good, we can even get some ice cream to take for dessert." I smile, bopping his nose with my index finger. He giggles cutely, before bopping my nose with his own tiny finger.

When we get to the grocery store, I put Seiji in the front part of the basket, facing me, and put my purse down beside him. He loves to search through it, picking up everything and leaving it a mess for me to rearrange later.

I start walking through the aisles and checking items off my list. I talk to Seiji as we go along, as he asks what everything in my purse is. Even though I've already told him a thousand times, he likes to hear me explain things, no matter what I'm saying.

"(F/N)?" I hear a voice call from behind me. I'm surprised to hear someone call me by my first name and not my surname, so I quickly turn to face the voice.

As soon as my eyes meet his, my face pales. My heartbeat quickens as I clutch the basket handle harder in my hand.

"O-Oikawa, it's been a long time." I mumble, as he gets closer.

I instinctively move so that my back hides Seiji, as the tall brunette stands in front of me.

"I know," he laughs, "Listen I'm sorry for-" then his eyes see what's behind me.

His eyes go wide for a second, and then his lips curl into a grin. He maneuvers around me, and bends over so he's at eye level with Seiji.

"I'm Seiji and I'm two!" The toddler announces, holding up a peace sign to represent his age. He's been telling that to every stranger he made eye contact with since he learned how to say it
I would be proud if it hadn't just screwed everything up.

"Hi Seiji I'm Oikawa." He smiles, before turning to face me. His face is unreadable and for a moment I think he might not have figured it out.

Anyone can see the resemblance between Oikawa and Seiji, and even more, Seiji's age... I just hope Tooru is just as oblivious as he used to be.

"(F/N)-" he starts, his voice uncertain and breathy.

"We'd better get going." I smile, avoiding his gaze, as I start to push the cart away.

A hand clamps roughly on my shoulder, making me turn around. I look up to the distressed brunette, who's doing his best to stay calm.

"(F/N), we should talk."

I nod slowly, running a hand through Seiji's hair, "Tomorrow we can meet for lunch-"

"You'll just blow me off and run away." He interrupts, his voice tinged with anger.

"I don't want to argue in front of him." I say quietly, staring up at his muscular figure which has only grown larger in the years since I last saw him.

"I don't either, I promise." He sighs, closing his eyes like Seiji does.

"Mommy okay?" Seiji asks fragmentedly.

I nod, "Oikawa is coming to eat with us."

Oikawa's face lights up as I speak, his eyes regaining their childish glint, "What's for dinner?"

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