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"You're sure you don't want to stay? You bought more than enough food," I tell the spiky haired man as he rubs at the back of his neck. He's insisting he has to leave, but I don't see why he would. I'm assuming the smirking brunette opposite of me had something to do with it, but bringing it up wouldn't do any good in changing his mind.

I grab one of the medium sized to go boxes, and hold it out towards him, "If you insist on leaving at least take this."

"I bought it for you guys I-"

I send him a death glare, as he removes the box from my hand, and gives a friendly bow. Without mustering another word, he puts on his shoes by the door and leaves, the door closing softly behind him.

"I wanted him to stay," Seiji pouts, "He was going to tell me about what Mommy was like when she was little."

I laugh softly, as Tooru takes the opportunity to butt in, "I know what she was like back then too!"

"Really?!"Seiji exclaims, standing up at the table, "Tell me!"

I shake my head, "Only if you eat while he tells you,"

Seiji sits down immediately and clutches his chopsticks, shoveling noodles into his mouth and eagerly waiting Tooru to continue.

Tooru glances to me, and I give him a short nod before he begins, "Your mother was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen!" He fake gasps, "And she was super smart too... Always had to tutor me and Iwa-chan so we could play volleyball."

"Did mommy play volleyball too?" Seiji asks between mouthfuls.

"Yeah, but she wanted to help us out more than play on the girls team, she was nice like that," he grins, "And she was always nice to us, doing everything she could to make sure we would win. She would even stay up late with me and watch videos of other teams playing. Sometimes she even gave me a k-"

He stops suddenly, and leans over to whisper to me, "Can we tell him now?"

His voice tickles my ear, and for a moment I don't register what he asked. As he pulls away, I realize what he wants.

"As in right now?" I suck in my breath, as knots form in my stomach.

He nods, and reaches a hand over to mine, "If you want to wait that's fine," he smiles, giving me a small squeeze.

Seiji looks back and forth between Tooru and I, trying to decipher our words and whispers. He cocks his head to the side, as his brown eyes lock onto mine, forcing my mouth to open on its own.

"Seiji, there's something you should know," I begin, my voice shaking as Seijis eyes grow wide.

"Are you dying!!?" He exclaims, slamming his fists on the table and running to my side, "You're not old enough!"

His grip on my shirt tightens before I chuckle, "It's nothing like that," I pause, "It's a happy thing."

"Like ice cream?" He asks, peeking up from my side where his head was previously buried.

"Sort of..." I sigh, "You remember how I  told you about your Dad?"

He nods, mindlessly tapping my leg, "He left a long time ago."

"Do you remember what else I told you?" I smile, rubbing his head as things become easier to say.

He places a finger to his lips as he thinks, "He was tall? And looked like me?"

"Well yes, but what else?"

"You loved him!" He shouts, "And you knew him for a long time."

I nod, "Listen Seiji, I think you should know who your Daddy is-"

"Do you have a picture?" He interrupts me, as I turn to Tooru. I nod my head slowly as I raise from the floor, and head to the bookshelf in the hallway. Sure enough, there's a picture still tucked in my favorite book. Within the cracked spine, between the worn pages, is a single picture. I pick it up, the waxy paper feeling odd in my fingers. I stare at the picture, and smile as I walk back to the dining table, where Seiji stares at me impatiently.

I crouch down to the table, and let out a long sigh before handing the picture to Seiji. He cocks his head to the side again, before his jaw falls open, "This is Oikawa!"

I nod, as Seiji looks at the picture again, "So... he's my Dad?" He asks me, not meeting my gaze.

"Sure am," Tooru smiles, giving Seiji a cheesy thumbs up.

"Okay." Seiji says, putting the picture down, and turning back to his meal.

My jaw goes slack as I turn to face Tooru, whose gape mirrors my own. We exchanged a silent moment of confusion before assaulting Seiji with questions.

"You're okay with everything?" I ask him, rubbing his back soothingly.

"Yup," he smiles, "I always wanted a Dad," he stops for a second before leaning in closer to me, "You're still my favorite."

I laugh as Tooru begins to pout, "But I took you to ice cream for breakfast!" He whines, as I jerk my head around to look at him.

"You did what?" I ask calmly, masking my anger. What was he thinking giving Seiji ice cream for breakfast? This is going to be one hell of a journey with these two...

"N-Nothing," he changes subjects, "Now that you know, do you want to-"

"Is this what you tried to tell me before?" Seiji asks suddenly, looking up to Tooru.

"Y-Yes," he admits, "But your Mom didn't think I should tell you yet."

"Are you going to marry Mommy?" Seiji questions, as Tooru and I both turn pink.

"Well we- Maybe?" Tooru answers, looking at me as my head explodes.

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