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"(Y/N)!" I hear a distorted voice shout.

I feel pain radiating from my hip, as I slowly open my eyes to inspect the damage. I find myself laying on the bathroom floor, the cold tile chilling my legs while they ache. Tooru is crouched beside me, his brown eyes wide, as his thin eyebrows arch upwards. His lips move out of synch with his words, as my brain seems to blank on his words. It takes me a moment to process them, before things become clearer.

"Are you okay?" He asks, helping me sit upright beside the counter, his hands placed gently on my back.

I nod slowly, rubbing at my eyes with the back of my hand. There's an uncomfortable pressure on my eyes, and things still appear to have a slight haze around them.

"What happened?"

I shrug at his question, not knowing what explanation he thinks I have.

"We need to take you to a doctor," he tells me, his eyes still searching mine, "Do you hurt anywhere?"

I shake my head no, "I can go to the doctor tomorrow, it's late."

"(Y/N)," he scowls, "This isn't something to wait around on."

"Seiji's already asleep," I murmur to myself, thinking about the nappy headed toddler in the other room.

He doesn't say anything for a moment, and we simply sit together on the bathroom floor in silence. His strange disposition seem rational, but it still makes things awkward. I know he means well, and though he's right, I can't just leave. He obviously won't want me going by myself either, so all we can do it wait.

I watch as he stares at his hands which are lying limp in his lap, and wonder what he's thinking. I feel bad for making him concerned like he is, but I know it's justified, and I should probably be that concerned as well. I knew something was wrong, and leaving it alone like this was irresponsible of me, but I didn't want to accept it. Though, like he said, I can't just wait around.

"Tooru, I can find someone to take me tonight," I give in, as he nods his head in support. Though he isn't smiling, I can tell he's relieved, as his clenched jaw relaxes, and his composure returns. He grabs my phone from the bathroom counter and hands it to me, as I begin messaging my friends. Tooru remains by my side, but still not saying a word. I don't attempt to break the silence, but grow agitated when no one responds.

"I can ask Iwaizumi," He suggests, probably realizing no one is coming for me. I nod disappointed in myself, and my lack of friends who would come help me. "I'll be right back," he says, as he stands up and looks me over once more. He seems reluctant to leave, even if it's just for a moment, but he decides on going anyways.

My eyes wander to my own hands, wondering what's wrong with me. I'd never had health issues like this, so I have no idea what to expect. I don't even know what a doctor will do for me. I'm probably working myself up as usual, but it's the only thing I can focus on, my mind wanders back to the subject whenever I try to distract myself. My ears begin to pick up on Tooru's hushed voice in the hallway. He's on the phone with Iwaizumi I'm sure, and though I'm probably the subject of his conversation, I can't make out his exact words. His conversation trails off, before he goes silent, and his footsteps fill empty hallway as he nears the bathroom.

"He's on his way," he explains, "Do you need anything?"

"No," I sigh, but if this is going to take a while can I at least go back to my room."

He looks at me warily unsure if this is a good idea, but stands beside me with his arms out while I lift myself up off of the floor. I stand with ease, like nothing happened, and walk to me bedroom, laying down on the bed beside Seiji. I brush my fingers through his hair, as he shifts slightly in his sleep. I smile at his movements, before placing a light kiss on the top of his head. Tooru sits up across from me, his eyes locked into me as he waits impatiently for Iwaizumi to arrive.

After what feels like hours, there's a knock at the door, which Tooru rushes to answer. I hear the two men conversing by the door, before they both enter my bedroom. Iwaizumi looks at me, his eyes comforting, and not as alarmed as Tooru's.

"Sorry to bother you so late," I smile, as Iwaizumi greets me, "I hope you don't have to get up early tomorrow."

He shakes his head, "I don't have any plans."

I nod, relieved, as Tooru turns to the spiky haired brunette, "We should be back soon."

"Tooru," I interrupt, "don't you have volleyball early tomorrow? Why don't you stay here and sleep, while I go with Iwa?"

"I want to be there with you-"

"Just stay with Seiji," I sigh, "Does that sound good with you Iwa?"

The man nods in agreement, "(Y/N)'s right."

Tooru look dejected, but gives up his hopes on joining me, and instead crawls into bed beside Seiji. His eyes look over to me as I stand up, and grab my purse from beside my bed.

"I'll be back soon," I assure him, as I follow Iwaizumi back to the front door, where I slip on my shoes and head outside.

I follow Iwa to his car which is parked outside of my building, and get inside, as I wait for him to start the car.

"You're going to be okay right?" He asks me, as the engine roars to life.

"Of course."

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