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I pull an oversized t-shirt from a drawer within Tooru's dresser, putting it on as the soft cotton clings to my half-dried skin. I pull out a pair of his boxers as well, sliding them up my legs. They're hidden beneath the length of the shirt, and I smile looking in the mirror. Pajama day.
It's been a while since I've worn his clothes. Ignoring last night of course. I forgot the way they felt on me, too big, baggy, but made me feel safe somehow. As if his clothes were an embodiment of him. His scent clings to them, and to me, bringing back lengthy bittersweet memories, making me smile.

I stretch both arms above my head as the muscles in my back tense and then relax as my arms return to my sides. I place my hands on my hips, as I listen to the murmur of voices coming from the other side of the bedroom door. I smile immediately, today is going to be a good day, I'm sure of it. I have everything I didn't realize I wanted, and while I may be uncertain of where it leads, for now I'm just going to have to let my apprehensions go.

My hand reaches for the door, but it opens suddenly before me, revealing two bedheaded brunettes.

"Morning!" Seiji grins, tottering to my side, his hands reaching up towards me. I comply with his wordless request, and scoop him in my arms, giving him a light squeeze before resting him on my hip. With my free hand, I attempt to tame the cowlicks which have spurred overnight. To no avail, they prick back up, ignoring my finger combing skills. I give a small sigh, smile still on my lips, as I turn to Oikawa. He's beaming from his position in the doorway, eager for me to acknowledge him.

"Good morning to you," I reply to the toddler, looking away from Tooru.

"Morning?" Tooru chuckles lightly, "it's almost noon (Y/N)."

"Noon?" I gasp, looking around the room for a clock. Sure enough, the alarm clock adjacent to the bed reads 11:56. I rub at my eyes with my hand before looking back at him, "Why'd you let me sleep in so long?"

He shrugs, watching Seiji slide down my leg and back onto the floor, "I figured you didn't get to sleep in so often, so I was going to let you enjoy it as long as you could." He grins, as Seiji takes a place next to him, mirroring his stance, leaning against the door frame.

He was right, Seiji usually wakes me up bright and early, and I'm sure that Tooru took my place in that endeavor this morning. He seems to have handled that well, looking even better than he did when he first woke me up. I'm sure I still seem a mess, wet hair, ill fitting clothes, and bags under my eyes that one night of good sleep couldn't fix. Though, I admit to making a small attempt to aid my appearance by brushing through my nappy (h/c) hair, with Oikawa's nearly impossible to find hairbrush. Makes me wonder how he manages to make his hair look so put together all the time.

My attention snaps back to Tooru as his neck cranes towards the staircase behind him, "We're getting ready to eat, if you're ready."

I nod quickly, watching Seiji as he turns to make his way down the stairs, with Tooru and I moving to follow his lead. Half-way down the stairs, the smell of pancakes fills my nose, as my stomach lets out a small grumble. I guess I'm hungrier than I'd realized, but it makes sense considering I hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon. As we cross the living room, I glance at my purse next to the front door, wondering if there's any messages on my phone. I wish half-heartedly that there will be a text from my boss, saying I'm not actually fired, but I know that to be a hair away from impossible. 'No-call, no-show, no job'. I wince as I remember the string of angry texts my boss sent, blowing up my phone, while I was out. Unconscious. That's something I'd been trying to ignore, but proves to be impossible.

Still, I push the thought away, as we all enter the kitchen. My eyes light up, staring at the extravagant array set out for us. Practically a pancake bar, every topping you could want, fruit, chocolate, maple syrup, whip cream. I grin as I turn to Tooru, grabbing his hand, and giving it a grateful squeeze, "Thank you."

"Not just me," he winks, "Seiji here helped me out a bunch."

Seiji nods proudly, as he clambers up a barstool across the counter from me. My heart races faster as I make a move to stop his precarious position, but Tooru beats me to it, picking him up swiftly, and placing his bottom correctly in the seat. Seiji's chin reaches just over the tall counter, giving him a good position to scout out his own favorite toppings: strawberries and whip cream.

I make eye contact with the kid before raising an eyebrow challengingly, "Shall I prepare your breakfast?" I ask, using a fake British accent, guaranteed to earn a laugh out of him.

Of course he bursts into peels of laughter, which ring through the kitchen, and soon I laugh along with him. Tooru watches the ordeal silently from the seat beside Seiji, with a smile on his face. He may not understand all of our jokes, but he seems to find joy in simply listening to us laugh with one another.

As my laughter trails off, I glance at Tooru again, as he throws me his signature smirk, which always sends my stomach fluttering. I don't know how he's so damn charming, but I appreciate it now more than ever. He gets up from his seat, with a quick request that Seiji stay still, and comes to my side. He wraps one arm around me, and with the other, he piles a plate with three perfectly even pancakes for myself, all golden brown. He removes his hand from around me, as I find myself wishing he'd kept it longer, and then makes a plate for Seiji. I gape at the UFO shaped pancake, as a seed of jealously plants in my stomach. It's perfect. Of course. No amount of practice that I've done to appease the toddlers request for 'alien pancakes' has amounted to that. I shake my head with a smile as I begin to pile my favorite toppings on my pancakes, Tooru never fails to amaze.

A/N: sorry I've been gone for like 6 months! I'm back for now at least, and I have a TON of inspiration! I'm excited to get back to writing, and I hope you guys are excited to read some more. I'd appreciate suggestions and ideas as usual, because a lot of inspiration doesn't necessarily help me plan the plot! Anyways, love you guys and thanks for reading.


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