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I scoot the sleepy toddler higher up my hip, wrapping my arms around him, listening to the quiet rising and falling of his chest, half-smiling at the drool beginning to pool on my shoulder. I hold him close to me, squeezing him just enough so I won't worry, but still not waking him.

Tooru rambles mindlessly about volleyball, excited and angry and passionate all at once, it's almost overwhelming. Still, I could sit and listen to him talk about it for hours, the way his entire body gets when he's talking about it, his jaw line clenches, he stands taller, his posture's better, his eyes clear. It reminds me of when he's playing the game itself, though much less intimidating.

I miss watching him play.

The laser focus, his intense stare, cheeky smile to make the other team that much more determined to beat him. When he plays, it's like he's in another universe, he controls everything, knows what's going to happen before it does, and always knows how to react. It's beautiful and scary all at once, and I miss it.

"I just don't know what to think of it all," he huffs, as we make it to his house.

"Thinking never was your strong suit," I tease, giving him a small wink as I step through the front door, carefully removing both my shoes and the ones on the sleeping boy. I cross the living room, placing him gently down, before his turning around to face Tooru. He smirks softly, then cranes his head down to bring his lips to mine. They're cold, not like ice, but more minty. He drapes a hand on my lower back, gently pressing me closer to him as he deepens the kiss. When he finally back up for air I'm disappointed, wishing I could've stayed that close for just a little longer.

I press my head against his chest, while still looking at my son. Our son. Snoozing away, his eyelashes flutter as he dreams, probably something about aliens or bugs or anything his imagination can create. He's so beautiful as he sleeps, and so full of potential, my own creation, a little person who I've crafted. I've decided how his life should be from day one, because at his age he only knows how to do by example. I just pray I'm giving him the right examples, and that I'm not setting him up to fail.

"What do you think he's going to be like when he's older?" I ask Tooru softly, my words breaking the comfortable silence.

"Just like you," he smiles, "If we're lucky."

I nod slowly, I've never thought of myself as lucky, but in some ways I guess I am. I have Seiji, who's everything a parent could hope for at two years old, and for now, I have what I need to take care of him. And I have a handsome man, who's somehow waltzed into my life like he's never been in it before, and fallen right into place. I can't help feeling like all this meant to be, right here, a little family, the likes of which I never had.

"Have you thought about moving in again?" He asks into my hair, his soft breath blowing the frizzy wisps onto my forehead.

"Yes, but I haven't made my decision," I mumble, intertwining my fingers with his, and leading him in the direction of the kitchen.

He nods acceptingly, "That's alright, I hate feeling like I'm forcing you into things so quickly."

"Now you feel bad?" I toy, playfully nudging his arm, "You didn't seem to mind the first hundred times you asked."

"Well, the hundred and first is kind of important right?" He asks, his head in the crook of my neck, his words lingering on my skin.

I shrug, turning around to face him, my back towards the counter, "And why is that?"

"Because it's the first time I felt bad," he smirks, leaning closer to me, pulling me in with his eyes, the last thing I see before I close mine and our lips meet. Warmth spreads through my body as I pull him closer to me, I feel his heart, racing against my hand, as my own heart follows suit, speeding so fast I think I'm going to faint. And maybe I would, if his hand wasn't at my waist, grounding me, making me feel everything at once in a way only those magical kisses can. I pull back, only slightly for air, as my forehead rests against his. Our body's refuse to part, every fiber of my being is screaming to tell him yes to his question, move in come together. I hesitantly meet his eyes, as my heart clenches. Those brown eyes, filled with swirls of emotion, desire, hope. It's almost too much for me to take in at once, still drunk on endorphins, I force my eyes to close, as I reach in to steal a second kiss. Again, the fireworks I thought only existed in movies arise, his lips lock me into the present, forcing me to focus on every detail I can, the slight movement of his hands caressing my face, the small smile forming on his lips which remain on mine, the opening of his mouth as he begs to deepen the kiss, my minute movements giving him permission in response. The world slowly fades out of view, along with it all the mundane concerns I bother myself with. Our lips move in perfect sync, I never knew a kiss could be so electrifying.

I pull away for the last time as our eyes lock, I nod, knowing the decision I have to come to.

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