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"Mommy wake up!" Seiji groans, jumping on my back as I turn groggily to face his voice.

I heave a yawn before opening my eyes to face the wide eyed brunette. His hair is tuffed strangely, giving him a crazed look. Chuckling, I soothe it over with my fingers, and sit up with him in my lap.

"Oikawa is coming," he grins, showing off the dimples indenting his cheeks.

I nod, stretching my arms above my head, "Are you excited about that?"

"Yup," he giggles, futilely trying to push me out of bed. He presses his tiny hands against my side, grumbling as he only falls onto the bed as he fails to move me.

I pick him up, resting him on my hip as I place my feet onto the cold floor. As I stand up, Seiji's grin only grows.

"We'd better get ready, you never know when he will show up..." I smile, walking over to my closet, "Do you want to pick out my outfit again?"

He nods excitedly, as his hands reach out to run over the fabric of my clothing. He always does this, choosing by the way things feel rather than the color or look. It's so different from how he chooses for himself. When choosing for me, he focusses on what will feel the best when he gives me a hug or tugs at the hem of my shirt. But for him, it's all about flashy colors and alien print everything.

"This one!" He chirps, tugging at the same dress he usually chooses for me. I like it well enough to wear it, but its not something I'd choose on my own. I honestly wouldn't keep it around if Seiji didn't like it so much.

It's a simple grey dress, casual enough to wear on a day like today, but still dressier than I usually wear. Regardless, Seiji forces me to wear it, and I match it with my favorite shoes, before turning to the toddler still clad in his favorite pajamas.

"Now you." I smile, grabbing his hand which is tiny beneath mine, and leading him to his wardrobe. I sit down on the bed adjacent to it, and watch as he opens and closes the few drawers he can reach.

As he pulls out mismatched shirt and shorts, a knock sounds at the door.

"It's him!" Seiji exclaims, running through the house in only his pants. His shirt, which he tore off once he decided on a shirt, is laying on the ground wadded up.

I sigh following him to the door, where he's struggling to reach the handle. Coming up behind him, I twist it open to reveal Tooru, whose face lights up as soon as he sees the little boy eagerly pulling at his pant leg.

"Good morning Seiji." He smiles, as the before mentioned returns the greeting, "And good morning (F/N)."

His lips part slowly as he says my name, making my heart beat just a little faster for a moment. I shake away the sensation, as he steps inside, handing me a bouquet of flowers as he does so.

I press the flowers close to my chest, inhaling the strong scent, and rubbing their soft petals over my lips. What made him bring flowers? Tooru always was good at romancing a girl, I'd seen him do it plenty of times, to myself included, but this seemed different. He wasn't trying to steal my heart or win me over... No, it felt more like they were a sort of get well present, or something you sent as an apology. That must be it.

I make my way to the kitchen, where I place them in water, and follow the sound of voices to Seiji's room. To my dismay, Tooru has him dressed in an adorable outfit. I know Seiji didn't pick it out, because it's not the same crazy match from earlier. The toddler was dressed in a pair of khaki shorts, and a thick lined grey shirt, which was a similar color to what I wore.

"Do you like it?" Seiji laughs, holding the shirt out from his body slightly, so that my eyes are drawn to the striped pattern.

Nodding I answer, "Oikawa made a good choice."

"Of course I did (F/N)-chan, I'm the best," he smirks, as I become slightly annoyed by his overuse of "chan". I mean for gods sake I'm already twenty two years old, I'm not a little kid.

"Where are we headed today?" I ask Tooru, as I grab a comb off the top of Seiji's dresser, and crouch down to begin taming my son's wild mess of hair.

He shrugs, watching me and Seiji intently before answering, "Do you want to go to breakfast? Or we could go to the park we always used to go to (F/N)!"

"Park!" Seiji agrees, pulling away from me so he can run to his toy chest.

Tooru and I both watch him curiously, when he suddenly stands up, clutching a big box in on hand and a net in the other.

"Bugs?" He asks, a little grin on his face which causes my lips to mirror his.

"You like catching bugs Seiji?" Tooru asks, a hint of distaste in his voice. I'm surprised to realize I forgot all about Tooru's apprehension about bugs. I'm rather indifferent when it comes to them, but Seiji loves hunting around in the park close to the daycare.

This is the perfect opportunity to tease Tooru.

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