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"Tooru what's wrong?" I ask softly, as he walks towards me. I know the words that are going to come from his lips, but something in me asks anyways, as if playing dumb would stop it from happening.

"I've got to go." He mutters, grabbing his suitcase from beside the front door, and looking at me one more time. His brown eyes reveal little to me, if anything he looks bored. There's no sign of remorse or even a sliver of guilt.

He brushes me off as I place a hand on his forearm, then closes the door in my face. I stare at the door handle for what feels like hours, then sink to my knees. I know that was a goodbye, a sorry excuse for one, but a goodbye none the less.

I sit on the floor, silent tears streaking my mascara, leaving black trails down my cheeks. How stupid, crying the way I am. It's pathetic really. He left for a reason, but I can't figure out what it is, where it all went wrong, though somehow I know it's my fault.

I pick myself off the floor, clutching my mouth as I go. I barely make it to the toilet, before a wave of uncomfortableness consumes my body. I clutch the edge of the porcelain, gripping it as my stomach contracts and I vomit. I spend the night by the rim of the toilet, as sickness conquers my stomach.

In the morning I wake early, heading directly to the hospital, maneuvering on my own through the busy street. I'm without anyone to lean on, all by myself.

As I sign up at the front desk, the woman gives me strange looks, yet never opens her mouth to voice her concerns and opinions. I shrug my shoulders as I fill out the form she gives me, then another nurse leads me into a treatment room.

After describing my symptoms, and giving a few samples, she cocks her head to the side, "Have you taken a pregnancy test?"

"N-No, I didn't think-" I begin, before she cuts me off.

"It's no problem, we'll run all the tests, I'm just a nurse so I can't diagnose anything, it's just a hunch." She winks, getting up and walking off, leaving me alone in the room.

The thought hadn't even crossed my mind. Pregnant. What would I do if- No, I can't think in maybes, I'll just wait for them. It's probably just a stomach bug, the nurse said it's just a hunch after all.

I stare at the wall, reading a poster about the common cold over and over again, then turn to my phone. I begin to dial his number, but quickly erase it, shaking my head as I do. He wouldn't care if I'm sick, he left. Probably for that girl I saw him with last week-

The nurse comes back in, a smile on her face, "Congratulations Ms.(L/N)! My hunch was right, you're pregnant!" She exclaims, barely able to contain her excitement, "You should call the lucky Dad, you're so pretty I bet your kids will be adorable."

My face pales, as my eyes focus on the floor. An awkward, "Oh," leaves my mouth, the only sound that fills the room other than the buzzing of fluorescent lights overhead. The nurse taps her pen against her clipboard, almost waiting for me to burst into some kind of grin. To her disappointment, I don't. I can barely do anything more that swallow past the lump forming in my throat.

"Is that all then?" I ask, still not facing her.

"Yes ma'am," she whispers, sucking in a deep breath.

I nod, slinging my bag over my shoulder, "Thank you," I tell her as I brush past, making a beeline for the bathroom, as I feel I'm going to be sick again.


Someone shouts as I begin to open my eyes. I squint so that the bright light doesn't blind me, as my eyes focus on none other than Tooru.

"What is it?" I groan, trying to sit up, and wincing when I put my hands down to push myself up.

"You were crying was all," he mumbles, putting a hand on my arm, "We can go home today if you're ready."

"Where's Seiji?" I gasp, searching around the room, "He has daycare today, and I have work-"

"I already called your work, and Seiji's with Iwa-chan, if you get ready we can go," he smiles softly, rubbing his thumb along the gauze cover my lower arm.

I stare at the bandages covering random places in my body, and realize, I'm in no pain... as I turn my head, I see the IV leading to my arm, which has been supplying me with pain relief for God knows how long.

I give him a nod before telling him, "Thank you."

He shrugs his shoulders, as if to say it's nothing, "I'll go get the release papers, just wait," he says while getting up from the uncomfortable hospital chair.

My eyes follow his back as he leaves, watching the way his broad shoulders move under the constriction of his cotton t-shirt. The same shirt I had clung to earlier. He hadn't changed since we got here, is that because I wasn't out for very long, or because he didn't want to leave?

A/N: I wrote this chapter to show a bit of (Y/N)'s life before this story and how that's changed her, and why she is written how she is. I'm sorry there wasn't a lot of plot in this chapter, I just really wanted to do a flashback to show a HUGE part of (Y/N)'s past.

Comment if you want another flashback, or if you have any ideas for the story!

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