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Seiji skips ahead of Tooru and I, as my eyes are locked onto the toddler, as I resist the urge to pull him next to me. Tooru can see my unease, and offers to carry Seiji on his shoulders, which the miniature version of the brunette enthusiastically accepts.

"I can see everything!" He giggles, trying to touch the leaves of overhanging trees.

I never really noticed how tall Tooru was until now. Sure, he was tall in high school, being a volleyball player and all, but I never really took into account how tall. I guess it doesn't hurt that he probably hasn't stopped growing either.

My hand which swings by my side brushes against Tooru's lightly, and we both look at each other immediately. For a moment, I feel that he's going to hold my hand, and I find myself disappointed when he doesn't. A blush creeps onto my cheeks, I as face away from him, instead focusing on the passing cars.

"We're here!" I grin, running ahead into the open field. I spin around childishly, the skirt of my dress fanning out as my legs brush against the tall grass. I can't quite place it, but this entire scene makes me feel like I'm still in high school, like I'm still a kid.

The only explanation is Tooru.

Our eyes meet after he sets Seiji down, and I know I'm correct. He could possibly change everything for Seiji and I, but I don't know if I could handle that. For now, I let myself be drawn into this dream world, where everything seems to be working out fine.

As Seiji crouches on the ground searching through the tall grass for bugs, I make my way over to Tooru. We stare at each other for what seems like hours, and I finally grab his hand, giving into the urge I've had since we were walking earlier. He doesn't shift away, or show any sign of surprise. It's like he expected it, and like he'd been wanting to do it as well. It's such a small gesture, placing my hand in his, yet it has unfathomable meaning to both of us.

I allow myself to fall deeper under his spell, resting my head against his shoulder as we sit on the bench near the field Seiji's currently exploring, "He'll stay out here for hours, if you want to do something else you'll have to tell him." I murmur, shutting my eyes for a moment as the warm breeze tickles my forehead.

"I wouldn't mind staying." He returns, as I try to decipher his words. When I first heard him, it felt like he was talking about more than just the park. Almost like he's considering staying with us for good.

"Don't you think it'd bother you?" I ask, my voice rising in pitch slightly, as I await his answer. We're no loner discussing trivial things such as the park. No, his answer could very well change everything.

"I don't see why it would." He answers, smiling down at me with the same boyish charm he's always had. My heart beats faster in my chest as we lean in closer to one another, our faces barely inches apart.

"Mommy look at what I found!" Seiji shouts from in front of me, pulling my attention away from Tooru. My jaw goes slack when I see Seiji, who has dirt smudged on his shirt, his face, his knees, and pretty much everywhere else. Somehow, this always happens when I let him out of my sights. I bring a hand to my forehead as the toddler holds up a bug box, filled with numerous beetles.

I sense Tooru grimacing beside me, without even having to look, and I smirk before telling Seiji, "You should let Oikawa have one or two."

"Share?" Seiji questions, cocking his head to the side.

I nod, tapping my forefinger on my chin, "Sharing is the nice thing to do."

He nods, grumbling to himself as he opens the lid to the box in his hands. Tooru squirms visibly beside me, but seems determined to accept a bug from Seiji. Tooru shoots me a glare as he puts out an open hand, as Seiji's hand delves within the box. He struggles to grab one for a moment, but soon is placing a stag beetle into the palm of his father's hand.

Tooru stares at the bug for a moment, not saying or doing anything, even when it begins to crawl around. But he can only take so much, because soon he's squealing like a little girl, begging for me to take it off of him.

Once I've placed the beetle back into the box I begin to chastise him, "Seiji worked so hard to catch that. You could've killed it!"

"I know I know, but (Y/N)-chan, you were the one who forced me to accept it!"

"I did no such thing!" I yell back.

Seiji watches as we playfully argue, before climbing into my lap, setting his bug box down beside me. I stop when he does this, it's almost like he's being more mature than us, patiently waiting for us to finish so that we can go somewhere else.

"Seiji, I know you like bugs... I have an old friend whose really good with them, so if you want we could go see him." Tooru suggests, while I wonder who it could be.

Seiji nods, as he leaves my lap for Tooru's, waiting eagerly to hear more about this "old friend".

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