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I watch the rain beat against the window, droplets streaking my view of the street below. A crowd of umbrellas flood the street, limiting my ability to determine whether or not the two I'm waiting for have arrived. I know they'll be here soon, as Tooru somehow manages to get Seiji to places on time. An art which took me far longer to master than it seemed to take him. I smile to myself in anticipation, turning towards the paper and pen in front of me. I sign my name quickly at the bottom and slip the paper into it's envelope, before placing it discreetly beneath my pillow.

A grin forms on my lips as Seiji and Tooru enter the room, Seiji immediately runs over to my bed and begs to be lifted up beside me. I oblige, looking over to Tooru, and the somber smile fixed on his lips. It seems to be there every time he visits me here, though I know he probably doesn't even realize it. He simply hates seeing me here, like this, hospital gown and all.

"How are you guys?" I grin, wrapping Seiji into a hug, giving him a kiss on the cheek, as his arms remain circled around me.

"Ok," Seiji smiles sadly, nodding his head for me.

I return the smile, "Your Dad's been feeding you decently?"

"Of course," Tooru explains, shifting slightly.

I nod in agreement, "Of course."

Tooru crosses the room slowly, clutching a small brown paper bag in his hand, and setting it down on the table in front of me. The smell of sugar and chocolate fill my nose, and a smile spreads onto my lips, as Tooru leans down towards me. Our lips meet softly, as my heart beats just a bit faster. As we part, his smile begins to seem genuine, as relief washes over me. It's still the same Tooru.

"How's volleyball been?" I ask him, ruffling Seiji's hair with one hand and opening the bag of sweets with the other.

He shrugs slightly, "It's been alright, workouts have been hard."

I chuckle softly, "I'm sure you're doing good."

I take a small bite of a chocolate cookie, before offering some to Seiji. He thanks me before gobbling the rest up.

"How was today?" Tooru asks, running a hand through his hair.

"Pretty good," I explain, "More tests, and pretty much just resting all day long. They said they'd release me in a couple days. At least for a little while. I just have to be sure to take it easy while I'm out." I give him a smile, as his mood seems to lift.

"I have a week off starting Monday, before we leave for a few away games," he tells me excitedly, "It'll be great, we can go to my parents or to Osaka for a bit."

I give him a nod, "I won't be able to do Osaka Tooru, but we can stay at your parents for a couple days, I'd love to see them again. What do you think Seiji?"

"Back to the zoo?" He giggles to himself before nodding.

"I can get us all packed and ready when they release me then," I nod, smiling slightly.

"Sounds good," Tooru says, placing his hand over mine.


I set my suitcase beside the bedroom door, sighing as I do so. It's filled with Seiji's clothes and mine, along with more toys than necessary. I couldn't get him to choose just a couple, but I didn't really have the energy to argue either. It doesn't make much difference I guess, but I'll be kicking myself later when they're scattered all over Tooru's parent's house.

"Seiji!" I call from my room, as I walk over towards his, "Are you ready?"

As I enter his bedroom, I watch as the toddler tries madly to stuff his blanket into his small backpack, along with his bug terrarium. I hold back a laugh, as I cross over to his bed.

"It won't fit," he groans, growing frustrated.

"Honey, you don't need your blanket," I smile, coaxing him to leave it, "Why don't you take a stuffed animal instead."

"But I want it," he protests, a pout forming on his lips.

I give him a stern glance, as he grudgingly removes the blanket, "They'll have blankets there I promise."

"Okay.." he grumbles, placing a stuffed alien into his bag, and sipping it up.

I hear the sound of the front door closing softly beneath us, as Seiji runs towards the stairs, his backpack hanging off one shoulder.

"Dad!" He shouts, wrapping Tooru in a hug.

"Hey Seiji," he smiles, patting his head, and lifting him onto his hip, "You all set?"

Seiji nods quickly, pointing upstairs towards me, "Mom packed everything."

"Did she?" He asks, winking up towards me as he carries Seiji up the stairs.

He nods again, "I brought all my toys!"

Tooru laughs, setting Seiji down beside me, and wrapping an arm around my waist. I link my fingers together behind his neck, and lean forward towards his lips. They brush against mine, warm and soft, and I relax slightly as we part. Finally things seem to be getting back to normal despite them being everything but. Simply being around the two of them again puts my mind at ease, and helps me begin to accept that things really will be alright in the end.

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