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I rush around my apartment, trying to find my keys, as I hear a knock at the door. Cursing under my breath, I open it, tucking a stray hair behind my ear. It's Tooru. At least he's not too late.

"I'm running late, Seiji's in bed, thanks for everything, call me if there's a problem, I have to go." I ramble, grabbing my bag, and slipping on my shoes.

I close the door as Tooru stands dumbly in front of it, not able to get a single word in. I don't bother stressing myself about what ruckus those two will stir up, instead I focus on finding the quickest route to my office building.

Tooru's POV

The door slams shut behind her, as I watch her (e/c) eyes look frazzledly at me. I barely had time to take in her stunning features and messy (h/c) hair. But, at least I get to spend time with Seiji.

"Mom?" I hear his sleepy voice call out.

"Seiiiijiii! It's me Tooru!" I call out, walking through the house towards Seiji's room. While I walk, I look at all of the pictures of (Y/N), with her family, Seiji, and a few friends I don't recognize. There's pictures of her and the volleyball team, myself included, and pictures with her and Iwa-chan, but none of just me. I guess she got rid of those when we broke things off... Not that I blame her.

I'm still regretting my choices as a dumb teenager. Leaving someone like (Y/N) just because I thought I could do better as some National Volleyball Player... I was selfish, and I regretted it, even before I found out about Seiji. Now everything is worse. (Y/N) is slow to trust me again, for good reason, and I can't tell Seiji anything about our relationship.

"Tooru?" Seiji calls out again, bringing me back to reality.

I continue to head towards his room, and am surprised when I find his bed empty. Worry begins to build in my chest as I look through the rest of the house.

I find him curled under the blankets in (Y/N)'s bed, he looks so tiny compared to the queen sized bed. I smile as I near the bed, playfully tugging away the blankets.

He giggles as I do this, and jumps up to face me, "Oikawa!" He shouts, his brown eyes, which remind me of my own, widen, "Hungry!"

"We can get something to eat I guess," I chuckle, as he clambers out of the bed and runs towards the hallway.

I chase after him, watching his little legs propel himself into the kitchen. He stops suddenly, and I almost trip over him. As I look down at him, I see his lip quivering, "W-Where's Mommy?"

"She's at work," I tell him, as I crouch down towards his spiky brown hair.

"She didn't say goodbye," he sniffles, as his eyes begin to fill with tears.

"H-Hey Seiji, it's alright! We get to spend the day together," I laugh nervously. If this turns into a full fledged tantrum, (Y/N) won't leave me alone with him again.

The toddler keeps sniffling, as his eyes begin to fill with tears, "Uh- We can get ice cream!" I suggest desperately.

"Ice cream!" He perks up immediately, running off to his room.

The little snot tricked me... I cross my arms over my chest and follow him into his bedroom, sitting on the bed adjacent to the drawers he's rummaging through. He picks out mismatched clothes, and I shake my head before choosing something myself. He looks cute, almost cuter than me, by the time I'm done with him.

He grins, as we're getting ready to leave, and looks at me, his eyes boring into mine, "Can you carry me?" He pleads, tugging on my pant leg.

"Only if you behave!" I sing, scooping him into my arms, and grabbing the spare keys (Y/N) left hanging next to the door.


Seiji licks at his chocolate ice cream cone, as I watch it drip down his chin, falling onto his pale blue shirt. I cringe, knowing (Y/N) will probably yell at me for causing a stain, but I don't know the first thing about getting out messes like this. So the best I am do is wipe off the rest of the stream with a napkin.

The napkin goes unnoticed to him, as he continues to eat, and I begin a conversation with him.

"You know Seiji I've known your mom for a long time," I sigh, watching him blink slowly.

"Did you know my Daddy too!?" He exclaims, momentarily putting down his dessert.

"Uh... Seiji-"

"Mommy cries about him sometimes when she thinks I'm sleeping. She's sad," he tells me.

My heart clenches, listening to him, I really did hurt her... More than I know. I thought she didn't care about what happened...

"Seiji there's something you need to know-"

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