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We all sit around the table eating the delicious food, and I listen to the two men discuss volleyball. Seiji finished eating a while ago, but he seems determined to stay awake and listen to these two talk. He lets out a loud yawn, as I look to Tooru. He gives me a slight nod, and gets up from his seat. 

"I think somebody is ready for bed," he chuckles.

"I don't want to go to bed," Seiji explains, "I want to stay out here."

"Your Dad is right Seiji, you can't stay up this late."

He pouts for a moment before agreeing with me and giving in to his Father.

"Goodnight Kageyama," Seiji says after yet another yawn.

"Goodnight Seiji, I was glad to meet you."

Seiji gives him a smile, before walking over towards me. He wraps his hands around my arm, and tugs me downwards so that he can plant a kiss on my cheek.

"Goodnight Seiji," I whisper, my finger tracing his nose.

He motions for his Dad to scoop him up, which he does, and carries him out of the kitchen. I hear the sound of Tooru's feet on the stairs, and Kageyama turns towards me.

"So (F/N), what's really going on with you?"

I look at him for a moment, examining his dark eyes, which seem to be filled with concern. His posture is rigid, yet balanced. He seems to want to know everything about what's going on with me. I guess it makes sense considering what good friends we were once.

"It's not good Kags."

He nods, his face falling for a moment, "I'm sorry to hear that."

I stare at him again, as his hand reaches across the table for mine. His hands are warm and inviting, relaying the sadness he feels for me, as well as the pity. He probably thinks it's just as unfair and crazy as I do. 

"I know this goes without saying," he sighs, "But I think you're really lucky to have Oikawa. Even though he's always been annoying, he seems a lot different. And I think he really cares about you both.:

"I'm glad you think so," I smile, taking my hand away from his, as I stand from my chair. I remove the dishes from the table, and place them in the sink. Kageyama looks at me warily as I do, but I don't acknowledge his glance.

"You don't have to do that," Tooru murmurs from the doorway, "Don't trouble yourself (F/N)."

I wave him off, but return to the dining table, sitting across from Kageyama again.

"I'd better be off," he says, "Thank you for letting me come eat with you all, it was nice."

"Anytime Kageyama," I smile, "I'm glad we ran into you."

He nods, before turning to Tooru and thanking him as well. I watch him turn towards the door. He stops to put on his shoes, and gives me a big grin before heading outside. The door closes behind him firmly, as a rush of cool air fills the room.

Tooru sets on the dishes left in the sink, and hums to himself as he does them.

"Tooru," I start, "Do you think I should tell more people about my condition?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like Kageyama," I sigh, "These are the people who will get invitations to my funeral one day, and I think it'd be pretty shocking out of the blue. Plus, I haven't really told anyone about all of it..."

"I think that's a decision you have to make yourself (F/N)," he explains, "I think you should tell the people you think need and deserve to know, and the people you don't think do, don't bother."

I nod, listening to reason, and knowing he's right.


I dial the number on my phone, my breath becoming unsteady as I do. I mentally remind myself that this is a choice I already made, and I'm just carrying out what I know is right.

I press the call button, and listen to the line ringing.


Her voice rings in my ears, and for a second I regret calling at all.

"It's me (F/N)."

"Why are you calling me now?" she asks, I hear the resentment in her voice, "Finally need me for something again?"

"There's just something I thought you needed to know-"

"I think I know it all," she scoffs, "You're living in some shitty apartment with that kid of yours, and you didn't have money for some bill or something and now you know it's too hard to do on your own."

"That's not it at all," I say, my voice becoming tense, "I'm really sick, and I'm going to die soon, and that's something you need to know."

The line grows silent, other than the sound of her breath, which sounds rapid and strained.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she retorts, "Do you even know what you're talking about?"

"I've been in and out of the hospital for months, and I've seen countless doctors, so yeah I think I do know what I'm talking about."

"And where has your kid been this entire time?"

"I reconnected with Tooru, so we're staying with him now," I explain, "And his Mom has been helping when he can't."

"So his Mom just swoops in and solves his problems for him?" 

"It's not like that-"

"If he really cared for you he'd quit his job. He's not going to be a good father if he can't even raise that kid himself."

"He does a good job, and he is going to be a good father," I state, growing heated, "You can say all you want about him, but I'm entrusting my son to him for a reason."

"I'm sure he's going to leave that boy just like he left you," she chuckles, "That's exactly why you shouldn't have kept the baby."

"I knew I shouldn't have called you," I bite my lip, "Goodbye Mom."

I end the call, clutching my phone in my hand, as my knuckles turn white. She shouldn't get to me after all this time, and yet she does nothing but rile me up, and make me upset. I'm not even sure if that was the right thing to do anymore. It didn't really change anything anyways. I guess I just felt obligated to let her know, considering she raised me. And she did what she thought was best. That's why even now, I can't stay angry with her. She forced me to live on my own, and forced me into working hard to care for Seiji. She can't understand why he's worth fighting for, because she hasn't met him.

"(F/N) are you alright?"

I nod slowly, still staring at the phone in my hand.

"You're crying," he says, sitting down beside me.

I bring a hand up to my eye, realizing he's right. I wipe away the tears, and settle beside him.

"It'll be alright."

"I know Tooru."

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